Indentured Servants

Indentured Servitude is a part of society, though less common than usually expected, as the majority of indentured servants are not owned and employed by the rich elite of society, but rather by the State, doing such things as office work, law enforcement, juristicative work and other common government work.

Generally, indentured servants are forks of mind states, which have less rights than a natural mind state. As such it is generally accepted that they are placed into indentured servitude. These forks are usually created from individuals that have fallen on hard times and are seeking to make a quick buck, selling a fork, mostly to the State, but in a minority of cases to private individuals.

As such an indentured servant owned and employed by a private individual is seen as being a status symbol, as well as in a higher social place then State owned indentured servants.

In all cases of indentured servitude, the personal memories of a forked mind state are suppressed, leaving them as close to a blank slate as possible. This is followed by a set of standardised training VR sessions at a greatly accelerated cortical speed, where one hour in VR is equivalent to several days in reality. The result of this training creates public servants that are seen as fair and incorruptible.

In many cases this is combined with training in the area where the mind state will be employed. For State owned indentured servants, they will now be sleeved into slightly individualised purpose made bio-cybernetic android bodies.

Indentured servants owned by private individuals receive different training sims, as well as highly custom built bio-cybernetic android bodies.

It is to be noted that the memories and experiences made during the time as well as the new personality as an indentured servant are always overriding the memories and experiences of the old personality. As such unlocking the old memories does not serve any purpose to an indentured servant after about one year of servitude.

Theoretically, it is possible for an indentured servant to expunge their indenture. However, due to the legal status of forks as being of lesser status, many prefer to remain in indenture. Some, usually in private ownership, are directly labelled perpetual indentured servants.

Historically, it was indentures servants that allowed governments to break the corporations hold on global power. At the time, the governments were lacking in man power, but retained some of their financial backing. With the large number of people looking for a way to make a quick buck, the governments were willing to pay for forks of cortical stacks, which were then trained and given simple bodies. This solved the man power problem of the governments, and eventually allowed them to return to power through legal and extra-legal means.