
A purpose build hardware and software stack specially designed to edit and modify the mind state contained within a Cortical Stack.

One such device was build by Kissa Zuma.

To test and design the system, she was in need of a volunteer mind state and the only one she has access to was her own. After creating a base fork of her mind state, she carefully dissected a secondary fork, before beginning to work on other secondary forks to work on her Editor.

After carefully mapping out memories, abilities, personality traits and personal preferences, she was able to perfect her Editor. However, it turned out that her Editor was only able to edit this single fork of herself and a second fork taken a year later could not be edited by the Editor.

Before scrapping the project and destroying the prototype, she used it one last time to create the perfect personal assistant for herself, based on herself, but with extremely heavy editing to the base mind state, that it effectively became a different personality.

Thus Idu83 was created.

Outside of these very limited use Editors, the only way to effect a mind state inside a Cortical Stack is to suppress memories. This is usually done for traumatic events, however this form of memory editing is widely used on indentured servants.

However, scrupulous individuals have found ways to effectively mimic the effects of direct editing. This involves the temporary suppression of select or even all memories, followed by an intense VR Training that can last up to five experienced years in VR. Even after reinstating the suppressed memories, the individual is left with irreversible changes to their personality, preferences and even memories.

This is mostly used on serfs. Additionally, this technique is used by people who want, or need to change identities without falling back into old habits and opening them to potential identification with their old identity.