The Crimson Domain

The Crimson Domain is a fey like realm that exists parallel to the Earth realm and realms like Olympus or the Chinese Heavenly Kingdom.

It is a very young realm, compared to the others, created only in the late 20th and early 21st century, with ‘help’ by the Internet. Through this new medium, more people discovered the world of fetish and kink, and their sometimes intense interest could be seen as a substitute for belief. As such, the supernatural world reacted by creating this new realm without gods and deities.

Instead, normal people with intense interest would discover portals into the Crimson Domain, staking their own claims to parts of the land, becoming the realms Patrons and claiming its power for themselves.

These Patrons of the Crimson Domain would shape it in their image, becoming the divinities of this realm. As such, they lost the ability to be visible to anyone but those who share their interest.

Many Patrons gather small groups of like-minded individuals, called Affiliates, by appearing before them and offering them their greatest kinky dreams. A crimson coloured outfit universally identifies people as Patrons.

Here are some groups connected to the Crimson Domain, some of which form larger groups that claim similar interests and inspirations.

The Hobbled Accord

The Hobbled Accord is a larger group with a strong affinity to latex and rubber, preferring to be encased by it 24/7. They have gained their name by a common theme of wearing ballet boots and hobble chains, no matter if a member is a Patron or an Affiliate, a dominant or a submissive.

As the Patrons of the Hobbled Accord have been a friend group and arrived in the Crimson Domain together, they share a similar look and feel and are known to be inspired by one another.

The Hobbled Accord is made up of the following groups:

The Tethered Enclave

The Hobbled Domain controls an area known as The Tethered Enclave, which interconnects the areas belonging to the individual groups.

The sections of the Hobbled Accord are:

  • Selene’s Falls
  • Twilight Acres
  • Sheer Descent
  • The Colony