The Pools

The Pools is a large water park with a large outdoor area and an apparently smaller indoor area. The Pools is where most living Pooltoys live, and have been created.

The outdoor area is where most of the action within The Pools happens and is considered safe. It is designed like all large water parks, but dwarfs if in scope.

The indoor area is considered less safe. When moving out of the line of light with the outdoor area through, a visitor may find themselves in the Liminal Pools.

The Liminal Pools

The Liminal Pools are an area of indeterminate size within The Pools, extending far beyond The Pools. It is a large liminal space that seems designed with little regard to actual human habitation and use.

Those who find themselves in the Liminal Pools with inevitably find themselves claimed by The Pools, and to leave, will have to sacrifice their old bodies, to be transformed into Pooltoys. After their sacrifice and transformation, they can leave the Liminal Pools, but some will find themselves unable to leave The Pools themselves.

Safe Spaces

Hidden within the Liminal Pools are several Safe Spaces, where Pooltoys can retreat to be among themselves or escape the prosecution they sometimes experience when one of the Clans attempts to show their power over them. Sometimes this leads to the Clans Hunter entering the Liminal Pools only to either completely disappear or return as Pool toys themselves.

No one who has entered the Liminal Pools can reach or enter a Safe Space until they have become a Pool toy themselves, whereupon they are able to freely navigate their Liminal Pools.