Extreme Fetish Doll Cult

The Extreme Fetish Doll Cult is a religious cult with some Buddhist trappings that exists within the City of Rubber, Shangrila. The goal of the cult is to allow its fully initiated members, called ‘Dolls’ to reach the highest enlightenment possible, by fully immersing them in the existence of a rubberised object of sex and lust, allowing them to contemplate their existence and worship the perfect material that is rubber.

There is little known about the history and founding of the Cult and it appeared to come into existence fully formed in the city of Shangrila.


Everyone who wishes to become a member of the Extreme Fetish Doll Cult, has to go through a period of Initiation, where they are indoctrinated into the secrets and goals of the Cult, and are expected to do all manual labour that does accrues within the Cult.

All Initiates are expected to let go of their old name and old life, and take on their initiate name, a six digit number. They also undergo some light body modification and wear an Initiate Form, which they can take off if needed. To the Cult, it does not matter whether the Initiate is male or female, as all Initiates and Dolls are female, and as such, males undergo a conversion into female to become an initiate.

To become a fully initiated Doll of the Cult, an initiate has to achieve several mile stones to prove that they are ready to become a Doll. One such milestone is that they are required to memorise the entirety of the Cults holy texts and recite them without error within a moments notice. Other milestones are increasing displays of sexual and what others would see as ‘depravity’.

However, not all Initiates can achieve the vaulted status of becoming a Doll. Some fall away from the Cult and leave, others are satisfied by remaining Initiates and working for the betterment of the Cult. In some cases, Initiates have decline their elevation into Dolls, as they felt that they were not ready.


Once an Initiate has achieved her right to be elevated into a fully Initiated Doll, she is put to the test to decide what form of Doll she is best suited to, taking into account her wishes.

There are several Doll Types a fully initiated Doll of the Cult can become.