Mel & Tigress


Tigress Kruger

SpeciesSphinx Cat
GenderTranssexual (female presenting)
Height197cm (6′ 6″)
Fur ColorationNone
Hair ColorNone
OccupationNone, Trained Nurse

Born on September 21, 1991, as David Spencer in Jackson Town, a ‘Christian Retreat’ in the North East of Washington state as third of twelve children of fundamentalist Evangelical priest Abraham Spencer.

As a child David was mentally abused by his father as part of ‘being brought up in the faith’. He managed to find a way to escape by reading Science Fiction at the town library, which kept his mind occupied and flexible. On 2008, after turning 18, he managed to escape from Jackson Town, using saved money to buy an old car from a neighbour, with the help of his older brother Adam.

David tried to move as far away from Jackson Town as possible, ending up on Portland, Oregon, where his car broke down. Here he ended up in a cheap apartment and a job at a Starbucks on the campus of Portland State University. It was here that David finally managed to untangle his own life from the abuse he suffered from his father and got the necessary vocabulary to pin a word to how he felt, realizing that he was transsexual and after turning twenty chose to begin a transition, changing his name and legal gender.

Now Mary Spencer, she continued to work at the Starbucks, where she met Melissa Kruger in fall 2010. After this meeting, their lives should be seen in combination.

Melissa ‘Mel’ Kruger

SpeciesEurasian Red Fox
Height176cm (5′ 9″)
Fur ColorationRed/White
Hair ColorRed
OccupationPhilosopher, Investor

Born on December 24, 1992, in Munster, Oregon, Melissa Kruger is the daughter of Matthew and Angelica Kruger, owners of a small book shop ‘Kruger Books’ in downtown Munster.

Mel had a relatively normal childhood, though she did luck out when she won a trivia contest of the local radio station in 2000, winning 2000$. Her father then went ahead to put the money away for her education, though he was hassled by Melissa for so long that he put her money into some stock options, mostly of Apple Inc, who later massively won on the stock market in the wake of the iMac and iBook releases.

In 2001, Mel was involved in a car accident with a ‘light’ spinal injury that left her with nerve damage that made her permanently incortinent, necessitating her to wear a indwelling urinary catheter at all times.

Mel eventually proceeded to learn financial investments and in 2004 sold part of her Apple stock to invest into Google. She followed up with a number of other investments and managed to make one million dollars by 2008. However, she did win 250.000$ in the Oregon State Lottery in 2007, which did help out with her financial situation.

Being independently wealthy, she decided to enter Portland State University for a Major in Economy in 2010. In a relatively short time, she added a second major in philosophy.

Later in 2010, she met Mary Spencer at the Starbucks on Campus.

Mel also plays the saxophone and likes Jazz.

After Meeting

By 2011, they were lovers as well, and Mary had fully transitioned, though had kept her penis, as she felt that it was the only thing she liked about her old self. Mel certainly did not oppose the idea. Around the same time the situation with Mels urinary catheter managed to convince Mary to enter Nurse school to help her lover out.

During Spring Break 2012, visiting Munster, they both discovered deeper fetishes, with both immersing themselves into the Latex, Bondage and BDSM scenes, with Mary leading the charge deeper and deeper.

Over the next three years, during Mels time at University and earning her degrees, they discovered and reinvented themselves anew several times, until they came to their current relationship situation, with Mel becoming the dominant of the relation, while Mary became the submissive. They do like to switch sometimes however.

In 2015 Mel finally returned to Munster with Mary, where Mel bought a house for her and Mary to love in and they finalized their relationship with a civil partnership, while also finalizing how they would live together. By this time, Mary had become a heavy rubber fetishist and had adopted the persona of a ‘rubber tigress’, which also made her change her name legally to Tigress, as well as taking Mel’s family name.

Mel on the other hand had slowly gotten more immersed in a more Victorian aesthetic, deciding to only wear black Victorian style outfits of latex, leather, lace, satin and velvet.

It is to be noted that both Mel and Tigress are members of the Anabaptist congregation of Munster. They are also open to sexual intercourse with others at any time.

Specific Look/Description


Breasts34M (86M)
Waist20″ (51 cm)
Hips34″ (86cm)
Penis10″ (25cm)

Since 2016, Tigress has insisted that she always needs to wear her heavy rubber suit, covering her entire body from her neck to her toes. By 2018, the suit has found its final design.

  1. 1.5 mm thick black chlorinated rubber
  2. Molded black anal rubber sheath
  3. Black tail covering
  4. Cock and Ball Sheath, with integrated rubber tube sound and cock & ball ring
  5. Separate supportive ‘breast bags’ for Tigress 34M breasts with small holes for nipple piercings
  6. Closing of the suit by corset like lacing on the back
  7. Ten inch (25 cm) ballet heels integrated into the suit, with hidden ankle stiffeners worn under the suit
  8. Extra padding over shin and knee, allowing for extended movement on all fours

It is to be noted that while Tigress can walk, dance and even run in her ballet heels, she likes to move on all fours about fifty percent of the time, even outside on the pavement/tarmac of Munster.

There is also an optional specially designed helmet covering her entire head, transforming her head into that of a tiger. There are several versions of the helmet, though they are designed to look the same on the outside. While all versions of it are covering her eyes with a layer of latex with tiny holes in them for her to look through, each version has a specific function.

  1. Every Day
    Designed to allow full movement of her jaws to be able to talk, eat and drink normally
  2. Muzzle Gag
    This version is designed with an integrated muzzle and ring gag hidden by the muzzle part of the helmet, allowing to either keep it as a ring gag, or insert a variety of other gags, including her favorite, a phallic gag made from a mold of her own penis.
  3. Gasmask
    This version of the helmet is designed along the lines of the Muzzle Gag version, though specifically designed to cover the nostrils and enforce breathing through the mouth, with a normal gas mask attachment in the mouth hole.
  4. Full Sensory Deprivation
    As the name suggests this version of the helmet is made for full sensory deprivation in mind

Usually, Tigress also wears a black leather collar around her neck, with a dog tag and a christian cross hanging from it, signaling that she is Mel’s pet and a member of the local congregation.

Image Source


Breasts32D (81D)
Waist24″ (61 cm) normal
20″ (51 cm) with corset
Hips32″ (81cm)

Like Tigress, Mel has a specific style of outfit she insists on wearing, though the actual look and design may vary from day to day.

This is always a sever, multi-layered black Victorian style of dress and look, though made of a variety of materials, and in many cases mixed in material, though there are parts that are always used.

  1. A black 1 mm latex suit covering her from neck to toes, with integrated molded anal and vaginal sheath and indwelling urinary catheter.
  2. Black latex catheter bag strapped to left thigh.
  3. A heavy steel reinforced black leather underbust corset
  4. A pair of knee high black leather pointed boots with 8 inch (20 cm) spike steel heels.
  5. Leather collar with silver medallion, with a tiger head and a cross engraved on it.

These basics are always combined with a top made of various materials, such as latex, velvet or satin. Likewise she always wears floor length skirts and petticoats made of latex, velvet or satin. All this may be combined with additional layers of latex, velvet, satin or lace.

At times she elects to wear a pencil skirt or leather riding pants, where the catheter bag may be hidden away.

To complete the look, she usually wears a slight, disapproving frown on her face, even if it does not combine with her personality.

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