A Marriage Dressage

by Naedial Warringer

Maggie took in a deep breath and looked down at her carefully prepared wedding dress.

This was it. It was time.

Looking up, she met the eyes of her twin, Maddie, who was standing before an identical carefully prepared wedding dress.

Their wedding dress.

They had made it with their own hands, like so many like this outfit before. They had taken the ultimate care with their preparations, made sure that it was comfortable, even if they wore it over a long, long time.

Maggie looked back down onto the small table and the white latex, gleaming in the light of the room’s lamps.

She said nothing as she picked up the white bodysuit, a slight shiver running through her body. For months neither she, nor Maddie, had been able to wear their suits, thanks to the surgery and the healing process, so this was the first time they would wear their new suits for longer than ten minutes, just to make sure that everything was comfortable.

She opened the short zipper on the back of the suit and lowered the suit, pushing her feet into the suit’s legs and slowly pulled it up and over her slightly lubed skin. Her body shivered again, ever so slightly at the sensation of the tight rubber pressing against her, making her bite her lower lip.

Next to her, Maddie emitted a slight groan of pleasure, which made Maggie smile.

With the suit hanging around her knees, she pushed her hips into the suit, before reaching down to the suits crotch and backside, holding onto the two molded plug sheathes to align them correctly, before pushing upwards, making them sink into her pussy and tail hole. This time, it was her turn to let go of that groan of pleasure as the empty feeling she had for months now abated with her holes being filled up with the plugs.

With the plugs in place, she reached for the two pumps hanging from between them, giving each a slight squeeze, inflating them both and making sure that they were holding themselves inside of her, even as her pussy was almost dripping wet from the anticipation.. That allowed her to push her tail, or the stump that was left of it after she and Maggie cut them off in a fit of depression, into its own sheath.

She then reached to her pussy, now hidden under a molded white rubber representation of an equine pussy, and found the small metal valve, pushing it into its counterpart in her urethra, ensuring that the catheter in it could be emptied easily.

She shivered again, grabbing the suit again and pulled it up, over her hips, before bending down to make sure that there were no unwanted bubbles trapped under or folds in the 1.2mm thick rubber.

Finally she moved to push her arms into the suits arms, making sure to get her fingers into the suits gloves, before she could get back up and work her newly massive breasts into their individual cups.

Before, both she and Maddie had ‘merely’ been Tripple D, but after realizing that their sister Tigress not massively outsized them with her gigantic M sized udders, they had gotten jealous fast and gone for the surgery to give themselves slightly more gigantic N sized boobs. Right now they were hanging down their chests almost like beach balls, but once pushed into the rubber of their suits, strategically placed thicker rubber supported the large breasts, making them perky, pushing forwards.

Maggie shivered again as she pulled the rubber up and over her boobs, the rubber dragging over her sensitive nipples. She finally pulled it over her shoulders and reached to her back, grabbing the lanyard attached to the zipper and pulled up carefully half the way. She needed to pull the rubber here and there with her free hand, especially to ensure that the small holes in the nipple area would line up with the holes in her areolas.

She then pushed her head into the hood attached to the suit, feeling the tight rubber press against the skin of her face, leaving only opening for her nostril, eyes and mouth, the rest encased in the heavy rubber.

Finally, she pulled up the lenyard all the way and was encased from her feet to the top of her head in the thick white rubber of her suit. She breathed a sigh of relief, moving a little to ensure everything was okay. The rubber creaked and squeaked lightly, making her smile. She just loved that sound.

She turned back to her table, grabbing the nipple golden piercings that lay on it and faced the mirror. It was a little harder than she had expected, but she still made sure that her nipples were adorned by the areola shield and the ring piercing, both ensuring that her nipples were visibly pressing against the thick rubber.

She turned around herself, turning her head to look at herself in the mirror. She could see the white and black pumps hanging from her crotch, the molded equine pussy and the slightly gaping tail hole between her slightly spread cheeks.

Already she could see the slight glisteing of her own juices in them, micro perforations and tunnels in the sheathes allowing her to lubricate both her rubber pussy and rubber tail hole easily.

She turned back to Maddie, who was also looking at herself in the mirror and grabbed the coin laying on the table. She flipped it. Tails for Maggie, heads for Maddie.


Maddie wordlessly nodded and Maggie turned around, reaching for the heavy and severe white underbust corset laying on the table, with its black piping. She opened up the busk on its front and pulled it around her waist, closing the busk again on the front. A moment later Maddie took hold on the laces on the back and began to to pull, expertly starting to tie the corset around the waist of her twin sister.

The steel bones of the corset dug into her waist and Maggie had to stand up straighter than before. It took a little bit, but soon the heavy tightlacing corset had reduced her waist down to a mere 16 inches, just enough that Ben could close both hands around her waist. To Maggie that massive reduction didn’t really present much of a problem. Long training for this tight of a corset and their own corset design made sure that it was as comfortable as possible and she could still get enough air that she could jog like this for hours on end.

On her back, Maddie had knotted up the laces and with a pair of scissors cut off the lacing, before closing the zipper of the rubber covering up the lacing itself. There was an almost silent click, as Maddie closed off the zipper with a small golden padlock and Maggie shivered. Only Ben had the keys to any of the padlocks they were going to use. Finally, the lanyard was detached from the suits zipper and thrown on the bed.

Maddie slapped her butt and Maggie grumbled a little as she turned around to face her twin, who had already turned around and grabbed her own corset.

Just as expertly as Maddie had laced up Maggie, Maggie had quickly laced up her twin.

Now it was time to get into their boots and each of the twins sat down on the bed of the room and reached for one of the boots standing next to the table.

Maggie shivered again, as she felt the plugs push deeper into her and opened up the boot, pushing her foot into it’s  ‘shoe’. It forced her foot into a slightly overextended en pointe position, but again, long training of themselves had ensured that either of the twins could wear these types of boots for a long, long time.

But the boots were their own design and four metal splints ran up along the inside of the boots, attached to tight rubber straps that Maggie now closed with zippers, making the splings almost dig into her lower leg. It ensured more comfort wearing the boots for long periods of time, as the splints were directly connected to the sole of the boot, both stiffening the ankle, as well as ensuring that more of the pressure was directly transferred into the lower leg.

Only a direct connection to the fibula and tibia would take all pressure from the ankle, but the twins were not quite willing to go that far. Yet.

There were no lacings on the boots, instead metal prongs were set into the heavy rubber of the thigh high boots and two more layers or molded rubber were needed to ensure that the boot was tightly secured to her leg, ten small pad locks clicking into place to keep them there.

The other boot quickly followed, leaving both twins with pony boot encased legs, standing up and walking around a little. There was no problem for them to walk in these boots and they would even run in them easily, the splints ensuring that they could not break their ankles of they fell.

For a few moments they looked at each other with a smile, before turning to their respective tables again, each taking the white leather harness from it, slipping into it, legs first. The harness was meant to attach things like their buggy to it, but many other things could easily be attached. It straps and belts secured to their torso, around their reduced waist, pressing into their thighs left and right of their pussies, while spreading their cheeks even further. More of the small golden padlocks closed off the harness on their back and the clinking of metal on metal joined the constant creaking and squeaking of tight rubber as they moved.

For the moment, only three items were left on the table and each of the girls first reached for the equine tails laying on them, each designed to look like the real deal, but made from stands of white rubber, each almost hair-like. Each of the tails contained a sheath that easily slid over the stumps of their real tails, and strong magnets inside the sheath held onto equally strong magnets implanted into their tails and attached to the vertebrae that were left.

Their familiar weight was welcome to the two of them and while it limited the motions of their tails, it was in a very satisfying and comforting way.

With their tails in place, they reached for the trains that would almost complete their wedding dresses. The bustle or stiff rubber was quickly attached to the lower rim of their corsets with zippers, easily removable, but also completing the overall look.

Finally, each of the girls reached for the opaque white rubber catheter bag laying on the table. Maggie strapped hers to the outside of her left leg, while Maddies was attached to her right leg. An additional staps went around their leg, just beneath their crotch, tightly holding the catheter tube to their leg, and a clip attached it to their harness, before the little golden metal clip was pressed into that in the suit. With a shudder both felt how their bladders emptied, a warm sensation running to their legs.

With that done, they looked longingly onto the table. Two items were missing from it, their collars and their hoods. The heavy rubber helmets had become more their own faces that the ones they had been born with.

But those would come later…

They would first have to get through their wedding to Ben.

Ben was nervous, as he stood in front of Major Elenydd in the large garden of Kruger House, waiting for his brides to come out. He turned to look at David, his best man and fried from high school. The lynx smiled and gave him two thumbs up, but Ben just fidgeted again, moving to try and loosen the collar of the white latex suit he wore under his white wedding suit.

He just had to have the girls talk him into this, didn’t he?

Turning around to face the guests, he could see his extended family and that of the Krugers. Of his brides family, there was of course only Tigress present. No one wanted to even remotely invite the rest of their family, not even themselves. Hell, Ben was glad that he would never have to deal with those people. Let them live in their little hell hope in Washington…

Finally the DJ put on the wedding march and Ben’s look moved to look at the door to Kruger House. And he stared at the two almost perfect visions in white rubber stepping down the stair into the garden.

He had to keep his lower jaw from falling down and meet the raging erection that suddenly had to be contained by his pants.He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.

As he opened them again, he only noticed Alenys and Alexys, his girls bridesmaids and BFFs, at the side, his eyes locked to his girls.

He had to force himself to look away as his glance fell onto the side table, where their pony helmets and collars were presented and the third collar, which was of course meant for his own neck.

The wedding march continued and he watched the girls come closer and closer. There were a few gasps in the crowd, but he was sure that only one or two of the guests didn’t already know the fetish lifestyle the three of them were living.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the girls came up to him, Davig and the Major, each slipping up to him on the left and the right.

“It is always a pleasure to see young people in love,” the Major began her ceremony. “And even more to see them tie the know. To enter in the holy bond of marriage before God.”

To Ben, most of the ceremony became a blur and later he would not be able to remember much of the actual ceremony until he felt an elbow in his left side to see the Major look at him expectantly.

“I do,” he said in a rush, to a few snickers from the guests.

Rati, the Majors own wife and assistant, held up a red velvet pillow with the helmet and collar for one of the girls up and he took the helmet, turning to the left. Maddie grinned at him and lowered her head.

It was a little easier to push her head into the helmet than it had been previously, even though the helmet still had that rubber hair attached to it already. He could feel how the girl wiggled her head a little to get comfortable inside the helmet, before he pulled down the hidden zipper on the back and tugged the helmet here and there, based on the subtle movements of Maddie.

A quick reach for the collar and it too slipped around the girls neck, two buckles easily closed on the back of her neck. Finally only a pair of golden padlocks was left and he slipped them through holes inside the buckles, securing it in place until he would open them.

“With this act, I declare you, Ben McDowell Jr., and you, Madelyn Spencer, for wedded partners in the eyes of the city of Munster and God.”

The Major smiles and an elbow from the right, made him turn away from Maddie’s now fully transformed pony form to back the Major again.

“Do you Margaret Spencer…”

He zoned out for another few moments, before the second elbow was pressed into hie right side and he quickly repeated his ‘I do’ to turn to his second bride.

Again helmet and collar were presented to him and he completed the outfit of his second bride.

“With this act, I declare you, Ben McDowell Jr., and you, Margaret Spencer, for wedded partners in the eyes of the city of Munster and God.”

He was about to breathe a signs of relief, but Rati quickly came up to present the last collar to the girls instead.

They both took it in hand and he took a deep breath, raising his head to allow the shorter girls to slip the collar around his neck. It too received a padlock and the Major smiles broadly.

“And now, I welcome Ben, Margret and Madelyn McDowell into the ranks of the married. May your marriage be long and fruitful.”

The Major stepped back and behind them the guests all stood up and applauded loudly.

While the applause continued, the Major came forwards again and said just loud enough for the three of them to hear, “You may now fuck the brides.”