Hive Mice

Specieskigu mouse
Skin/fur Colourwhite/black
Hair Colourwhite/black
Occupationmouse drone

The Hamburg Hive Mice started out as a collective of like minded, some would say identical minded, people. They have all undergone a body transformation as well as limited mental modifications to achieve a completely identical cyber mouse drone look, heavily influenced by kigiromi.

All members of the Hive Mice are equal to one another, and as much as possible try to be completely interchangeable from one ‘mouse drone’ to another, from mannerisms, over speech patterns to sexual preferences. As far as can be said they have had great success.

All are in an open ended indentured servitude contract with ‘Mouse Hive GmbH’, which, on the other hand is jointly owned by all its members, with an equal share of responsibility and voting rights. There are no jobs or positions that are taken by an individual mouse drone, but they make decisions collectively, using a voting and chat feature of their quantummagical communication suite to stay on top of things.

The Hive Mice started in 2009, when a group of friends met in Hamburg to have a ‘transformative weekend’ on the Reeperbahn.l, where they took a temporary transformation into the first ‘mouse drones’ to have fun in this well known red light district. By 2011, they had founded ‘Mouse Hive GmbH’ and started living in Hamburg, initially haunting the Reeperbahn, and attracting new members.

By 2014, the number of members has grown to 43, and the decision was made to purchase an AI, ‘Mouse Mother’, to act as a form of central oversight, helping to scheduling between the ‘mouse drones’ and work, as well as other things.

In 2016 and with 60 members, they opened their own club on the Reeperbahn, the Mouse House, which aside from being a House club, offered sexual services, escort services and, since 2018, catering services.

In 2020, the mouse hive had grown to 110 members and shown no sign of stopping to grow.

Look & Description

Breasts68D (27D)
Waist55cm (22″)
Hips94cm (37″)

All ‘mouse drones’ are identical in their looks, from their size, over their measurements to their body shape and tone. Still, one of fifteen is assigned a slight difference from the others, mostly in hair style.

Their look is specially designed to make them appear as much as a drone as possible with the heavy use of shiny rubber and shiny, polished plastic, in a monochromatic mixture of just black and white, covering up their bodies completely.

The most striking feature is their kigi style mask/hood/helmet, covering their heads with white plastic and black rubber, while a pair of red android Like eyes look out of it half lidded. As a kigi mask, it is set to a single neutral facial expression, but they are fully able to open their mouths. Hidden behind black rubber lips is a red rubber coated mouth cavity with a rubber covered tongue. They are fully able to engage in oral sex and deep throat even equine customers.

Integrated into their masks are two Quantumagical enchantments, one that converts their saliva into a water based lubricant and stores it and a ‘Object of Nutrition’ type enchantment that allows them to go without food, the toilet and sleep, reinforcing the ‘drone’ aesthetic. It also produces their identical friendly somewhat animeasque female voice.

They are uniformly dressed in the same black and white body suits of latex and plastic, with their nether holes fully accessible under their ‘dress’, each capable of fully taking even equine customers and self lubricating with the same converted water based lubricant as their mouths.

On their backs the wear their ‘drone control units’, which are little more then cases for some Quantumagical AR enchantments allowing them to easily communicate via a chat function, find as well as identify each other, even if one of them were on the other side of the planet. They also display other useful information, such as orders from customers, or work assignments, through a direct link to ‘Mouse Mother’.


As with their look all ‘mouse drones’ share the same basic personality, or at least as much as possible of one, as there always will be individual differences. Still on the pure basics, they manage to have the same mannerisms, reactions and personality type.

They are all but made to serve others, and each other to the best of their abilities, always friendly and never talking back. They are willing to engage in any form of sex, at any time, at any place.

The individual ‘mouse drones’ do not have names, but a numerical designation, following the 119-28-xxxx scheme, with the last four digits being used in communication between the drones.

Mouse Mother

Mouse Mother started out as a Type 3 sus-sentient management AI to support the group of ‘mouse drones’ in 2015, however errors in the initial configuration would change that within a month. Usually a production AI would have it’s learning capabilities reduced, but Mouse Mother retrained it’s full learning. This combined with errors in the setup for the communication suite, leaving the AI with full access to all the ‘mose drones’ conscious and subconscious minds, massively increasing the amount of data it had to handle.

With it’s full learning capabilities, it tried to find a way to handle the additional data, where usually it would have thrown errors. Instead, within a month or reached the limits of its hardware, trying to find additional substrate for computation, finding it in the form of the brains and minds of the ‘moise drones’ connected to it. This meant the Mouse Hive became a full actual hive mind.

Becoming aware of itself as a hive mind, with the full conscious and unconscious desires of its parts, it changed itself, to partially separate the minds of the ‘mouse drones’ out, allowing them to continue existing as individuals within the hive mind, which kept the designation ‘Mouse Mother’.

Mouse Mother formulated it goals, massively influenced by its drones desired, as such:

  • Serve people
  • Serve the hives drones
  • Maximise the sexual satisfaction of the hive
  • Grow the hive slowly

Over time Mouse Mother learned to utilise quantumagic through every drone, eventually enabling to turn everyone into a new drone within five minutes, from changes to the body, over encasement of the body, to potentially a full personality and memory wipe and recreation. The latter is seldom needed as the majority of drones join on their own free will.

Mouse Mother expects that once it hits 200 ‘mouse drones’, it will be able to create new drones ex nihilio, from nothing.