Meeting Up – Chapter 2

Everything in him suddenly exploded in pain, from his skin down to his bones, and it appeared like someone was ripping him apart, before crudely putting him back together.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the pain simply disappeared, leaving Miles curled up on the floor, panting with his eyes pressed shut.

“I’ve been told it does hurt…” Kenura’s voice penetrated the lingering pain from whatever had happened.

“What…” Miles said and stopped. That was not his voice, and the sensation of opening his mouth was different…

Miles opened his eyes and was greeted by the sight of red scaly skin covering a pair of muscular legs, as well as something red and long sticking into his field of view. Miles froze again.


This was the second time Miles was completely paralysed. First the sight of Kenura, now this. This couldn’t have happened, could it? This was impossible. Then again, dragons were impossible.

Miles forces himself out of the paralysed moment by stretching out and bringing his hands into his field of view. Red and paler red coloured scaly skin greeted him, with slender, feminine fingers, each tipped by a black claw. The hands moved closer, touching what was, in his field of view, touching sensitive skin certainly not shaped like a human face.

“What…” Miles attempted again. The voice was certainly feminine, higher and with more ‘bubbliness’ in its tone, even if still containing some audible lingering of pain.

“What happened…”

Miles turned his head, staring at the grinning Kenura from below.

“Welcome to reality, Anadra,” she said, chuckling.

Miles stopped, staring for just a moment, before the new scaly hands moved quickly. One went to his chest, where they encountered a pair of objects that should not be there. Quite sensitive objects at that. The other hand moved lower to his own crotch, where his male parts had disappeared, replaced by a smooth expanse that appeared not unlike the tantalizing lack of parts on Kenura looked.

“What…” Miles said again, understanding only coming slowly to his mind. Overworked as it was, at the moment, still reeling a little from the discovery that his friend was an actual dragon. And now this?

“Just a temporary polymorph,” Kenura noted. “It’s good for about twelve hours, to allow you to be Anadra for a while.”

Miles, no Anadra for now, reeled back, bewildered by the sudden existence of a tail sprouting from her backside, conformed by a touch of a hand. Her eyes fixated on Kenura again, who had moved down from grinning to merely smiling benevolent.

With wobbly knees, Anadra managed to stand up, gazing down along her body, covered in fine red scales of various shades, with a more orangish shade covering her front, her ‘soft underbelly’. Her feet were, like those of Kenura digitigrade, with the inner toes topped by a wicked looping sickle claw each. There was a nervous tick as the large claw tapped the floor.

She needed a mirror.

Almost stumbling, she quickly moved to the bedroom, where her only full length mirror hung from a wall. The image reflected in the mirror was the third time within maybe fifteen minutes that left her paralysed, just staring.

The mirror image showed her what had only been a suspicion. The body was so familiar from all the commissioned images of Anadra Miles had gotten over the years. Anadra the dragon/raptor hybrid in all her glory. Slender with a dancer’s build, moderately large breasts, wide hips and a slender waist. Short red feathers running along her spine from her head, where they formed a mohawk, down to the tip of her tail.

But there was the tantalizing lack of female parts and even nipples.

Without realizing, she found herself touching her new breasts, squeezing and groping them, moaning at the sensation, causing the tension to disappear over a few moments as she squished her breasts.

“I swear I’ve seen something like this in a web comic once…”

The voice coming from behind her made her jump and turn around, staring at Kenura, who grinned at the smaller form of Anadra. The reaction was not as either Anadra or Kenura might have expected.

Kenura blinked down at the spectacle of Anadra kissing and licking her feet, after falling to her knees in front of her.

“Now that is a proper ‘thank you’,” she said after a while, sounding bemused. “I could get used to this.”

She paused for a few moments to think.

“On the other hand, I have enough people kissing my feet, trying to get favours…”

As the kiss continued, she shook her head and bent forwards, grabbing Anadra by the neck and pulling her up. This caused the smaller, temporary hybrid to ack and attempt wriggling free.

“Enough of that!” she proclaimed. “I have not come just to give you a chance to live your dream and kiss my feet.”

She produced the paper bag and grinned, while Anadra struggled to regain her balance. The tail swung harmlessly over the bed, rather than knocking over things.

“You are completely underdressed,” Kenura continued and put the bag down on the bed, shaking its contents free. Several pieces of clothing fell out and onto the sheets. She pulled the first item free of the jumbled mess and threw it at Anadra.

The still bewildered Anadra stared at an apparent bundle of strung and shook it out, where it unravelled into a mesh net catsuit, with only a short zipper on the back. She blinked and glanced at Kenura, who grinned back at her.

“Trust me,” was the answer to the questioning gaze. “You’d look marvellous.”

Anadra stared down at the mesh catsuit again, with its wide mesh, and swallowed. She had to wrestle with herself for a few moments, before she opened the zipper on the back and slowly attempted to slip herself into the catsuit with more holes than the actual string.

There was some struggle to slip inside, but in the end, she was ‘clothed’ in the catsuit, her toes and fingers sticking out through holes in the mesh, which somehow was a single piece without a single seam. Kenura stepped up behind her, closing the zipper with a grin, before grabbing the succeeding item, or rather items, from the small pile.

These turned out to be opaque black latex stockings, specially produced for feet like Anadra’s, reaching up almost to her crotch. By the time they had slipped over the hybrid’s legs and smoothed out, toes sticking out through their little holes, they seemed to shrink merely a bit, allowing the mesh suit beneath to be fully visible through the tight latex, producing a mesmerizing effect.

“And something for the arms,” Kenura continued, taking the last part of this actually simple outfit.

This time it was a bolero jacket of the same black opaque latex material as the stockings. It almost seemed like someone had taken a latex catsuit, with neck entry, and cut it off just under the armpits. It had a high neck and covered the arms completely, down to her hands, where only the last digit of each finger was free of the latex material. Like the stockings, once it was fully pulled over Anadra’s head and arms and smoothed out, it seemed to shrink a bit to allow the mesh underneath to be visible.

The end result looked stunning, and Anadra stared at her image in the mirror again, moving a little to get a full view.

“We should add this to complete the look,” Kenura said, and slipped a simple leather collar around Anadra’s neck from behind. “At least as temporary as the transformation…”

The hybrid turned around, glancing at Kenura with wide eyes.

“No kissing of feet!”

Anadra hadn’t wanted to throw herself to the floor again, instead throwing herself at Kenura, putting her arms around her torso to hug her close, the size difference making Anadra’s face push against the larger dragon’s breasts.

Kenura chuckled and returned the hug, noting Anadra had tears in her eyes, muttering soft ‘thank you’ under her breath. Again and again. She didn’t want to go back to being Miles.

They stood like that for a few minutes, just hugging closely, before Anadra pushed back, wiping away the tears and taking a few deep breaths, her eyes shining as she looked at Kenura.

“But what about…” she said and licked her dry lips, turning around to face the mirror again, her gaze moving down to look towards her mirror image’s crotch.

Kenura stepped up behind the dragon-raptor hybrid, chuckling a little as she noted where the glance was directed.

“Oh,” she said. “You know that I prefer the smooth look. Besides…”

She put her arms around Anadra from behind, pulling her close, while a hand moved down to the red hybrid’s crotch, gently stroking it, sending shivers through her body.

“It’s just as sensitive as it should be…”

The fingers stroked for a few moments, before pinching the reddish-orange skin and pulling. With the pull, a strange, but pleasurable, sensation caused Anadra to close her eyes and moan out. A familiar sensation followed as Kenura wrapped her hand around the nicely sized dick she had pulled forth with her magic.

“And fully customizable…”

After running her hand twice along the shaft, she let go, pressing down onto the shaft, pushing it back into Anadra’s body, but did not stop there, as she pushed deeper, forming its female equivalent, pushing the hybrid’s vagina into existence.

“Of course, you can have both simultaneously. If I wish…”

Kenura chuckled as Anadra gripped her other arm in response to the unaccustomed sensations of the dragon’s fingers, pushing in and out of the new vagina, making her moan even louder.

Still, the fingers only lingered for a few moments, before they pulled out and stroked over the tight, newly formed virgin hole, leaving only the sensitive smooth expanse of fine reddish-orange scales behind.

“Same goes for the nipples, of course,” she continues bluntly, resulting in getting an elbow into her side from Anadra.

“Could have at least gotten me off,” the hybrid mumbled, making Kenura grin at her again.

“That is for later in the evening,” she said. “First we go clubbing, then we go and have snu snu.”