Meeting Up – Chapter 1



He felt pensive as he stared at the clock on the wall, his eyes slowly following the second hand. He was torn between wishing he could speed up the time or slow it down.

Ten years it had been. Ten years, in which he had slowly built up a long-standing relationship with Kenura over the Internet. And today was the first time they planned to meet in person.


They had first met in an old IRC furry chat room, where he had first brought out Anadra, his female red raptor-dragon hybrid. He had been so awkward back then, needing encouragement to talk to the others in the room, until he met Kenura, a white dragoness. She had been the one to pull him out of the little shell he had been in back then. She had always been there for him, and their relationship had developed into a true friendship. Soon they had exchanged Instant Messenger contacts and their EMail addresses.


Their relationship had only grown from there, filling a hole he never realized he had. Truth be told, Anadra had been his attempt to fill that hole, and it had been able to do so in part. However, the relationship that developed with Kenura had completely filled it, making him wish it could do so at all times.


At work, he caught himself daydreaming about just giving in, attempting to become the pet of Kenura, but… If he could not become Anadra, it would be meaningless.

Of course, Kenura knew Anadra was ‘just another guy on the Internet playing a girl’, but she did not care much about that. Indeed, she had told him that she believed Anadra was the actual person hiding inside of him. The party girl pet just wanted to get out and be released into the wild.


But even so, merely role-playing over the internet was not everything. For the past three years, they had always talked about finally getting together in real life. Only to meet and talk. But either he lost his nerve, or something was happening at Kenura’s end.

Coming to think of it, Kenura knew more about him than he knew about Kenura… All he knew was that she was a female.


His eyes remained riveted on the second hand of the clock, and he stood up, walking over towards the window and looking out. Was there a new car out there? Could he catch a glimpse of Kenura arriving?


Shaking his head, he turned back around, and stepped back to the couch to sit down.

Ring ring.

He froze, his eyes jumping back to the full face of the clock. She was five minutes early.

Swallowing, his gaze shifted to the hallway, feeling butterflies and stones settling in his stomach. What should he do? What should he do?

Ring ring.

He pressed his eyes shut, barely avoiding a slap to his own forehead. Open the door, idiot. Don’t let her wait.

Drawing in a deep breath, he almost stumbled over a stool standing in his way as he walked to the hallway and the door to his apartment.

He stopped in front of the door, swallowed again, and tried to calm himself as a hand rapped against the door.

“Here goes nothing,” he mumbled to himself, opening the door and flinging it wide.

“We…” lcome should have been the word that left his mouth in greeting to Kenura, but his voice froze the instant he beheld his guest, his body freezing.

Standing before him in the stairwell leading to the other apartments in the building was something that should not exist.

A goddess in white, grey and black, gazing back at him with an amused smile on her face.

His mouth dropped open as he stared at the figure in front of him, his eyes drawing in all the details of her draconic form. Fine white, grey and a few black scales covering her body, from the toes of her digitigrade feet, to her reptilian head with feathers in varying shades of grey growing from it, as were two curving ram-like horns. A pair of feathery wings sprouted from her back, currently pulled into a resting position, while her tail swished lazily behind her.

Her state of dress only accentuated her figure. A pair of thigh high semi-transparent black latex stockings, leaving only her toes and dew claw free, a pair of opera length gloves or ‘arm-warmers’ of the same semi-transparent latex material, leaving her entire clawed hands free, and finally a harness of black leather or even latex encasing her chest, putting an accent to her sizable breasts.

The most intriguing parts, however, were tantalizing with their absence. Her crotch was a smooth expanse of fine white scales, and her breasts were lacking the nipples he would have expected, even had she not been a dragon.

He continued to stare at her, causing her to raise an eye ridge.

“Don’t you want to invite me in?” she asked, her voice smooth as silk and yet smoky in its tone.

Her question made him jump and step back.

“O… of course…” he said, staring at her as she entered the hallway with a light chuckle.

He swallowed again as she almost naturally stepped out of the hallway and into the living room, looking around, allowing him to gaze at her back and backside, which was as exquisite as the view from the front. He had to step around her tail a few times as she stepped up to his couch.

Kenura, in person, appeared the same as in the few drawings and paintings she had shared with him, and which he had always assumed were commissions of her fursona.

Instead, she was real… All two hundred twenty-five centimetres of her.

There was the rustle of paper, and she placed a paper bag on the stool he had almost stumbled on. A bag he had not noticed. He wondered what would be inside, but with the white dragoness turning and sitting down on his couch as if she owned the place to give him a benevolent smile, made that thought moot.

He just kept staring at this dream that should not exist in real life. Dragons did not exist in real life, did they?

“Nice little flat you have here,” she said and chuckled.

“I… I…” he tried to speak, but his tongue seemed to have a knot in it, preventing any intelligible word from coming out of it.

“Breathe,” she said. ” Take a few deep breaths. I know that my… appearance comes as a shock.”

He simply nodded and followed her suggestion, taking several deep breaths, trying to get himself under control again. If this was the Kenura he knew for ten years. He had shared a few things he hadn’t shared with anyone else.

“That…” he tried to speak again, finding it more possible now. “That would be an understatement…”

She chuckled again, the sound filling the room and making him shiver.

“Let me just say that everything I ever told you about me, Kenura, Lady Anura, Duchess of Banoum, is the absolute truth, not merely… world building.”

He took a step back, staring at her again, this time more in disbelief than the shock that had made him stare earlier.


“Magic,” she said and grinned, showing off her perfect pearly white and sharp teeth. “I don’t have to explain shit.”

He continued to stare, which made her chuckle again.

“Let us just say that I am from a parallel plane of existence to this one, and that we have managed to connect to the Internet and leave it at that. The actual explanation is something for another day.”

He pressed his eyes shut and took another deep breath.

“What if someone sees you?”, he asked, thinking ahead and their plan to go ‘clubbing’ later.

Again, she chuckled and shook her head.

“Again magic,” she explained. “I have a nice little piece of enchantment that makes everyone, safe for you, as well as electronic devices, perceive me as just another woman. Perhaps a good-looking one, but that is mostly someone else’s problem. No one will even see me the same as anyone else.”

Which is not going to make me any less awkward in your presence, he thought to himself.

“I will see you, and it’s going to keep me off balance the entire time…” he mumbled and made her chuckle again.

She grinned at him, leaning back on the couch and crossed her legs, allowing him another tantalizing, but still hidden glance at her crotch.

“Which is where I will set a little trap that will hopefully draw you closer and closer to me.”

He blinked and then stared at her again.

“wat” he asked, his brain almost coming to a crashing halt.

“Oh dear,” she said in what could only be called mock surprise, bringing one of her perfectly shaped hands to her face. ” Did I say that out loud? How thoughtless of me…”

He blinked again and took a deep breath, shaking his head again. He thought he was in more familiar territory now. This WAS Kenura, this was the woman he had talked to, played with and became good friends with over the last ten years. He had always imagined she was one of those friends who’d help you hide a body…

“What are you talking about?” he asked, crossing his arms and giving her a glare, which only made her grin wider.

“Ahhhh… there you are finally,” she said and chuckled. “I wondered where you were under all that speechless human male…”

“You are not making any sense…”

She grinned and held up a finger, pointing at him.

“Strip,” she all but commanded.


“I said, ‘Strip’,” she repeated. “It’s just one word, that should not be too hard to understand…”

Images rushed through his head from times they had RPed together, and immediately made a turn for the kinky. She wasn’t planning to…

“I have a surprise for you,” she continued, her grin getting predatory.

She was… And truth be told… He wanted her to do it. Here and now…

It was surprising how quickly someone would completely strip off any of their clothing with the proper motivation. After only a few moments, and with his clothes scattered around him, thrown around without care, he stood in front of her, buck naked.

She, in turn, scratched her chin as she glanced at him, as he heedlessly threw away his clothes, without any care except for his imagined price.

“You are a bit on the scrawny side,” she noted. “Very nerdy.”

She hummed, raising an eyebrow.

“And your private is standing at attention, I see…”

With that, she grinned and reached out to the paper bag on the stool, pulling out what appeared to be a scroll and handed it to him.

“Open it up,” she said. Her grin again grew on her Draconian face.

His stomach sank as his mind turned. Magic was real, she had handed him a scroll. She was not going to throw him to the floor and have her wicked way with him…

He stared at the scroll in his hand and swallowed again. It appeared like any scroll, like prop in medieval fantasy movies, complete with wax seals and two rolls.

“Open it up,” she said again, her voice barely concealing a certain… giddiness.

He glanced at her for a few moments, before looking back at the scroll.

“Here goes nothing,” he said, breaking the seal and pulling the two sides of the scroll apart.

The words on the scroll were written in a script that seemed Arabic to him, but there were things that were different. Either way, he would not have understood the scrolls content anyway. But there was something else different. Usually words on a scroll were not supposed to suddenly become neon colour and then completely fade away from the paper.

The neon colours spread out from the paper and to his hands, arms, and finally his entire body. A warm sensation filled him from his head to his toes, and then came almost unbearable pain! He tried to open his mouth to scream, but his body would not follow his command, as the scroll clattered to the floor.