Doll Types

An Initiate, who has been chosen to be elevated to a Doll, has the choice of several different options of Doll, though her teachers and instructors may suggest another type of Doll, they may be suited to.

Wandering Doll

The most basic type of Doll is the Wandering Doll, intended to be wandering the streets of Shangrila, enticing possible new members into the Extreme Fetish Doll Cult, as well as showing off her devotion to the perfect material Rubber by preaching to the people around her.

The design of the Wandering Doll is the base of all other dolls and are modification of her design.


The Doll walking down the streets was certainly female, her entire body covered in gleaming, polished and unbroken layer of what appeared to be thick white latex. From certain angled, the reflected light seemed to have a light blueish tint, making it only appear whiter. But the figure itself was a mockery of the colour of purity, as there was little that was pure about this female.

Her steps as she walked were mincing, as her feet were encased by a pair of ballet heels that were a seamless part of the woman’s white latex covering, forcing her to endure standing on the very tips of her toes, her ankles appearing stiffened and her heels supported by a graceful wedge that merged with the sole of the boots toes of a size not much larger then two or three coins. In addition, a short length of chain, each link encased in white latex, runs between her boots, attached to rings set into the wedge heel, further shortening her stride.

Between her legs, a long rod hangs from her crotch. It is clearly made from metal, but is coated in white latex, with one end appearing to be wedged deep into her pussy and almost seamlessly merged with the rubber of the woman’s suit. Still it can move up and down, slipping in and out of the woman’s pussy. The other end is connected to the rings on the wedge heels with white rubber encased chains, that drag it back and forth as she takes her mincing steps. In addition, the rod appears to be longer then her legs, so that its free end drags across the ground, the jolts of each movement transmitted through the metal into the inner walls of the woman’s pussy.

Around her waist, she wears a seamless white latex corset, with heavy metal boning inlaid into it, brutally reducing her waist. The corset does not have any visible means of opening or closing, appearing to be made of a single piece, merged with the suit. A heavy neck corset of a similar design is wrapped tightly around her neck, with a ring dangling on the front, holding a small metal plaque, reading ‘6969’. The neck corset is build specially to not allow the woman any movement of her head. As a glance moved from corset to neck corset, it undoubtedly will notice that the woman’s arms are missing. They appear to have been removed from her body, leaving only smooth expanses of white rubber where her shoulders should be.

The head of the woman itself is coated in an even thicker layer of white rubber, making it appear like the head of a mannequin. The face has no features at all, only a button nose without any nostril openings, while her eyes are smoothed over. Not even her ears are visible as bumps. Only a thick white and ribbed rubber hose sticks out from where her mouth should be and there isn’t even any visible transition between her hood and the hose.

On her back, both the corset and the neck corset are connected by a heavy metal rail, also coated in white rubber, that perfectly contours her spine. It begins at her ass, where one end appears to be shoved deep into her body and runs up and above her head, ending fifty centimeters over her head, splitting into two and jutting out to the back and front. The rail is clearly meant to prevent her upper body from moving at all.

From the forward end of the rail, a pair of latex encased chains hang down, each chain ending in the piercings of her nipples. The piercings and the chains help support a pair of obscenely massive breasts, which would hang down under their own weight of not supported. These massive orbs of flesh, encased in thick rubber have a natural shape, but it is clear that they are anything but. But, even with her short stride, each step sends these large breasts swinging, moving in rhythm with the movement of her body and steps.

Between her breasts, a large bag of translucent white rubber hangs, easily able to hold five liters when completely filled, suspended by a pair of chains connected to the piercings of her nipples. It is possible to see what the bag contains and it seems to be a mixture of a golden liquid with spits of a milky white. As there is a thin tube of white rubber leading from the bottom of the bag to the woman’s crotch, it is clear that the liquid is a mixture of her urine and her cum.

At the same time, the bag is connected to the hose coming from the woman’s mouth, seamlessly moulded into the bag. As the bag expands and deflates with each of the woman’s breaths, it is clear that the bag acts as a rebreather bag, one that has a security valve to prevent over pressure, occasionally adding the scent of urine, cum and stale air to the already powerful smell of rubber that surrounds her. Another valve seems to be connected to a bubbler that is integrated into the bag, allowing her to take a breath of air that has run through the urine and cum.

Finally, from the back end of the rail that runs up her back, a set of white rubber banners hang suspended by those rubber coated chains, each with a different black rubber text on it. ‘Enter Rubber Nirvana’, one of them reads, ‘Worship Rubber’ a second and a third finally reads ‘Extreme Fetish Love’.

Despite this scandalous look, the white rubber and the obscenely large breasts, this woman seems to be at peace, even if she appears to experience a strong orgasm now and again. Perhaps it is some form of contemplation, maybe penance. All that is known is that she does not seems to care about anyone around her, lost in her own rubber world.

Lover Dolls

The Lover Dolls are something special to the Extreme Fetish Doll Cult. They are created from a pair of Initiates that either have fallen in love during their time as Initiates, or who have entered the Cult as lovers in the first place. Much like the Wandering Dolls, it is their place to preach to the people of Shangrila and entice them into the Cult by singing the praises of their devotion to rubber and each other.

As such, the Cult likes to show off the devotion of these two lovers by pairing them up and ensuring that they will never be apart again, as long as they are Dolls. They are always touching and always in the presence of the other.

To this end, the Lover Dolls bodies are seemingly merged into a single body by conjoining them in multiple places.

Standing side by side, they share the basic look and feel of a Wandering Doll, but they have three legs between the two of them, the middle leg a result of their left and right legs merged in the middle, framed by their two crotches and their dragging poles. It gives them an interesting form of gait that is enticing in itself.

They are also conjoined at their armless shoulders, even as their waists remain separate and encased in the tight, crushing corsets and the metal bars running up their spines, connected at their shoulders and hips.

Much like a central third leg, they share a single central third breast, seeming to be made from the shared massive flesh of their breasts, larger then the breasts flanking them.

They also share a single rebreather bag that hangs from their central breast, which can hold ten liters and is filled by tubes from both their crotches and allows them to share their breath as it enters through the integrated bubbler.

Intercourse Dolls

The Intercourse Dolls are special versions of both the Wandering Dolls and the Lover Dolls. Where those Dolls are completely independent for sexual stimulation through the drag bars inside their pussies, the Intercourse Dolls forgo the drag bars and instead have their pussies modified to become the recepticle and targets for sexual intercourse with everyone in the wider community of Shangrila who wishes it.

This makes these Intercourse Dolls cherished by the citizens of Shangrila, who are looking for a quick fuck, as these Dolls have been trained for every eventuality of sexual intercourse.

Cart Dolls

Cart Dolls are another modification of the basic Doll design, but in this case there are Dolls who have dedicated their existence not to preaching, but to act as transportation for the Cult. As such, three Dolls are permanently attached to the cart that has been assigned to them. In some cases, the Dolls assigned to a Cart can be lovers, either two or even three.

The cart itself is build from an open metal frame, each piece of metal covered by an unbroken layer of gleaming white rubber, with a large container held in its back, closed off to protect whatever is transported from outside looks. The Cart also has several poles raising above it, with handing banners of white latex with black text on them, displaying the paroles of the Cult.

Hauler Dolls

Two of these Dolls are Hauler Dolls, who are responsible to pull the cart. Essentially, they are the same as their Wandering Doll counterparts, but with several differences. They are bend over forwards at the hips, so that their upper bodies are parallel with the ground, the rails on their backs, connecting their waist and neck corsets to each other, are joined with the cart, while a pair of large poles are pushed deep into their pussies and asses, allowed to slide back and forth, side to side and up and down while the cart travels.

Their feet are encased in hoof like versions of the Cults omnipresent ballet boots, befitting their station. The chains connecting their feet are longer then those of other Dolls, allowing them to take longer strides, to speed up their transporting travels.

The neck corsets are also modified, pushing their heads up, so that their rubber encased faces face the front, rather then the ground. Additionally, their shared 15 liter rebreather bag hangs between their bodies, suspended by chains connected to the upper and lower part of their corsets and the tubes leading to their crotches.

Rather then being suspended from chains, their massive breasts instead hand down from their bodies without any further support, though their nipples are connected to one another with bars and have chains running back towards the cart.

Controller Dolls

The Controller Doll is the third Doll permanently connected to the cart, whose job it is to steer the cart pulled by the two Hauler Dolls.

Her appearance is somewhat modified from the Wandering Doll, as she retains her arms, though her legs have been removed instead. Her arms are like those of an [[Initiate Form]], though her hands are turned into finger less mittens, permanently attached to the chains leading towards the Hauler Dolls nipple chains, allowing her to control the Hauler Dolls.

She is permanently attached to the cart by the same way as the Hauler Dolls, the rail on her back connected to the cart and holding her in place. Additionally, a similar pair of poles push deep into her pussy and ass, able to move up and down with the movement of the cart.

However, like for the Wandering Dolls, her breasts are suspended from a pair of chains hanging from a pole above her head. Rather then having her own rebreather bag, she is connected to the shared rebreather bag hanging between the Hauler Dolls.

Contemplator Dolls

The Contemplator Dolls are very special Dolls, who have dedicated themselves to contemplate and to experience the full force of rubber and sexual stimulation to gain higher knowledge about the universe in an attempt to reach Rubber Nirvana.

To this end, they have allowed themselves to be permanently installed within the temple of the Extreme Rubber Doll Cult, immobilised and facing the inside of the temple to gaze upon the mingling Dolls and Initiates. Many Contemplator Dolls are teachers and instructors to the Initiates.

There are several kinds of Contemplator Dolls.

Observer Dolls

Observer Dolls are the most basic of Contemplator Dolls, most of whom have at one time been Wandering Dolls. They have no noticeable difference between themselves and Wandering Dolls, safe for their drag poled being replaced by poles that are set into the floor of the temple and attached to the rail on the Observer Dolls back. The soles of their feet have also been firmly attached to the floor, rendering them immobile and like statues.

At least one Observer Doll is placed near every altar of the temple.

Beholder Dolls

Beholder Dolls have less in common with Wandering Dolls, as they had their legs removed as well, allowing them to be integrated into various other places inside the temple.

Some Beholder Dolls are held above the floor, held aloft by poles driven into their pussies. Every altar has two of these Beholders flanking an Observer Dolls near an altar.

Other Beholder Dolls are hanging from chains along the ceiling, their bodies tilted as the chain near their heads are longer then those near their asses.

Finally, some Beholder Dolls have been set into the walls of the temple itself, sunken into the walls their pussies, breasts and faces protruding from the walls.

Contraption Dolls

Contraption Dolls are strange parts of the Extreme Fetish Doll Cult. These dolls are generally a living part of the very machinery that keeps the Cult running, sometimes being the Supervisor Dolls, sometimes as just a part of the mechanical systems of machine themselves.

Supervisor Dolls

Supervisor Dolls have much in common with Controller Dolls, as they forgo their legs in exchange for retaining use of their arms, though a Supervisor Doll also retains full use of their hands to control whatever machine they are part of.

Like the Controller Dolls, poles driven into their pussies and asses connect them permanently to their machines.

Component Dolls

Component Dolls are always part of the mechanical systems of a machine itself. Usually, Component Dolls are of the form of a Beholder Doll, but can be different as well. How they are part of the machine varies.

One of the lest well thought of Component Dolls are part of the septic systems of the temple, but there are some Dolls who thrive in that environment.