Elysium Fields Correction Facility

aka Pony Prison

Basic Outline

This prison is a special kind of prison, created by a private company that specializes in ‘human resources’.

It does take in any sort of inmate, regardless of gender, sentence and nature of crime. It does not matter whether the inmate requests the prison, or someone within the prison system transfers them into the prison.

The nature of the prison is that all inmates are turned into completely identical gender less rubber covered ponies fur the duration of their remaining sentence and trained as ponies, before they are released into work programs as ponies of one sort of another.


The intake of new inmates is as the intake of any other prison. However, each new inmate is given a thorough medical examination, complete with a complete genetical typisation.

Following the examination, new inmates are kept in a holding cell for up to two days, during which each inmate is moved to post intake individually.

Post Intake & Initial Three Months

The post intake process begins with a complete thorough cleaning of the new inmate, which includes the first enema for internal cleaning, as well as a complete removal of any body hair. This is followed by the administration of a paralyzing drug to ease the following suiting process, where the inmate is equipped with semi permanent tubing interfaces. These include nostril tubes reaching to each stem bronchus to ease breathing, a stomach tube for feeding, a catheter and an enema tube for waste removal.

The inmates are then restrained to an X shaped frame, hooked up to breathing, feeding and waste tubing and equipped with a blindfold and earplugs, before being lowered into a pool of water for body cooling purposes.

During the initial three month of the inmares sentence in the prison, they are kept in total insulation, and each inmate is given a personalize cocktail of drugs and a constant stream of nanobots that completely rebuild the inmates body, turing them into one of the completely identical, gender less pony inmates of the prison.

These drug and nano bots are also responsible to remove any personal attachments to any memory the inmates have, in a bid to completely remove the original personality of the inmate to leave them as a personality blank that can be build upon during the incarceration, while keeping any skills they might have learned before their incarceration, allowing them to be used later on after being released

During the initial six month, the inmates body is complete transformed into an identical genderless body, about 180cm tall, weighing 75 kg and of slender build. This body is lacking any gender attributes, with any sexual organs removed and replaced by a smooth crotch, which still remains sexually sensitive.

The inmates head is also transformed into a general equine shape, while a short hairless tail grows from the lower spine.

New Uniform

The new uniform is specially designed to be sealed to the body of the inmate during the remaining sentence. This uniform is made of orange 1mm thick heavy duty rubber, covering the inmate from head to toe, with openings for the catheter and enema connector, as well as a thick anal sheath for anal training.

Additionally a pair of handles are integrated into the suit to make anal training easier. This is topped by a chastity belt like device that will provide stimulation for the former male or female sexual areas. The inmates new tail is also encased by the rubber suit and gets an addition of black rubber hairs to simulate a horse tail.

A pair of ballet like pony boots are added to the inmates feet, forcing them into an en pointe position. The inmated head is encased in a pony mask, this one with screens over their eyes with pinhole cameras feeding them, earphones in the ears, with microphones on the outside, as well as another inflatable phallic gag for their muzzle. The feeding tube and nostril tubes remain in place and are connected to external ports, with the breathing ports connected to a set of breathing hoses that are connected to a small breath control apparatus on the inmates neck. This new hemlet results in the faceless smooth look, but allows the inmate to see and hair their surroundings, while allowing them to be placed in sensory deprivation again.

After this, the inmate is given a six digit number for identification purposes, with barcodes printed to thighs, upper arms and forehead, while cuffs are placed around wrists, upper arms, thighs and ankles for ease of restraint.

Initial Training Period

The following months are an initial training period, during which the recently converted pony inmate is given some training, usually in groups of ten, during which the bases for the inmates new personality are laid.

This training involves learning to walk in the new pony boots, followed by trotting and finally galloping, ensuring that the inmates do not lose their balance. It also includes training for proper pony stances of various kinds, to be kept for hours without moving at all, if need be.

Following this initial training, the inmates are ready to be moved into the general prison population.

General Sentence

The general stay in the prison is heavily regulated by the prison personnel and every single day is kept identical for every inmate.

Each inmate is given a small padded cell, in which they are kept during the night and even though they are unable to fully lie down in it, every inmate will be able to sleep in a cell sooner or later.

In the morning each inmate if moved into endurance training from five to ten in the morning, where they are to walk, trot or gallop on the inner courtyard, followed by ‘breakfast’, where they are feed through their gastric tubes, while at the same time an enema is administered and the bladder emptied by the catheter.

What follows is more specialized training, from pulling carts, over presenting for hours without moving to anal training and other general uses for this kind of pony. This training ends at five in the evening, after which they are getting ‘dinner’, identical to ‘breakfast’.

Finally a second round of endurance training runs until ten in the evening, after which the inmates are returned to their cells.

Only a single day every six days is different, depending on the inmate, where they are generally placed into heavy immobilization bondage for another form of training.


Punishment for inmates that are less than cooperative is swift and identical, though varying in length.

Punishment in general is fully body immobilization, combined with total sensory deprivation of up to five days, depending on the severity of the reason the punishment is administered.

Release Programs

Generally a sentence at the prison is at least two years, but can extend to up to ten years.

After their full sentence, inmates are placed into varying preparation programs for their release.

These programs are of six month duration, where the inmates are once again put through a fully body transformation into their release forms, generally a pony of one form or another. Their pevious gender does not matter and they may be turned into male, female or intersex ponies during this time, with a wide variety of potential body shapes.

This reaches from pony boi, over ‘breeding stud’, racing pony, cart pony to female pony sex toy.

For this, they are getting a final two month training following their final body changes to be ready for their new lives as rubber ponies in either public or private service.


The Wardens are the custodians of the prison and outside of a few cases, they have all been replaced by former inmates that have been released to become Wardens, purely based on their performance during their incarceration.