Cult Of Apony

A Primer

This document is meant as a short primer on the Cult of Apony, one of the peculiar religious cults of Samdraem. It will give a short history, a short overview of the internal structure and its teachings.


The goddess Apony can be traced back to the ancient goddess Epona, a goddess of fertility and protector of horses, ponies, donkeys and mules. It is thought that Epona arrived in the Plains of Issbane about 2000 years ago, when the Romak conquered the Horse Lords of Issbane.  While the Romak have introduced several new gods and goddesses to Samdraem, Epona gathered a lot of followers among the Horse Lords, who had previously worshiped Pandrim, a god of war and horses. Within two hundred years Pandrim had lost most of his powers and was reduced to a minor godling, while Epona became the prevalent goddess worshiped on Issbane.

The previously warlike Horse Lords of Issbane gave way to the Issbane Republic governed by the Senate. Horses however remained the great focus of the Issbane. Over the next four hundred years, Issbane became one of the greater local powers.

The great change from Epona to Apony happened during the Rending of The Gods, a period of eight hundred years between 2400 to 3200, a war between the gods that led to the destruction of some and the merging of others. During the time, Epona declared herself to be neutral in the struggle between the gods, but gave shelter to one formerly major goddess, Philote (goddess of affection and sex) and a minor goddess Medeine (goddess of trees and change). During an attack on Epona by the war god Astras (in 2675), all three were weakened and Epone was forced to merge with Philote and Medeine to preserve her strength and her followers.

Epona remained the major component of the new goddess, with heavy influence of Philote. Medeine was reduced to a very minor component.

Until the end of the Rending of The Gods, the new diety searched for her new identity, structure and name. During the same time, a language shift resulted in transferring the old Romak ‘Epone’ into its modern form ‘Apony’.

Sexuality and sexual practices became a major part of the Cult of Apony and the life of its followers during this time. As a result, areas with a majority or large minority of Apony followers are some of the most sexually free places on Samdraem. Though some other religions are of the opinion that children are part of these sexual practices, it is to note that the Cult of Apony does have an age of consent of 17 years. Any child or teenager under the age of 17 is barred from participating in any sexually based rites and ceremonies.

Based on documents within the libraries of the Cult of Apony, latex was discovered as a result of a vision given to multiple priestesses as were its infinite uses and the tree from which latex was extracted, the Shariga tree, became sacred to the Cult of Apony and large plantations were set up to extract latex.

Where previously leather costumes were used to come closer to the new equine image of Apony (compared to Epona), they were slowly replaced by costumes made from latex. Over time the look of those costumes changed and the priestesses began to wear them for longer periods of time and covered more of themselves up, until the modern look of the clergy of Apony fully developed in the 3500s and did not change since then.

The Cult of Apony remains strong in Issbane and forms the theocratic government of this nation. It also is strong in the nations surrounding it. Apony has also taken on new portfolios with land transportation and prostitution.

The Cult of Apony

The Cult of Apony is a heavily structured and hierarchical religion. Congregations of followers are generally called ‘herds’ and take part in the religious life in a local temple.

Temples of Apony are found in any town and city with a population of over five thousand and sometimes in smaller towns and even villages when they are in very rural areas. This means that alone on Issbane there are 1324 minor temples, 662 major temples and a single main temple in Issbania. In Addition to the temples, there exist fifty monasteries, which are mainly used for training of the clergy.

Outside of the temples and monastries, there are wandering groups of clergy, ministering to lone herds in remote areas or act as missionaries who might establish a new temple.

Religious Symbols

The Cult of Apony has three religious symbols, the Pony Head, the Hoove and the Pony Cock.

Any of these symbols can be found within the area dominated by the Cult of Apony and all members of the religion are to wear one of these symbols as a pendant on their body. These pendants are usually latex covered metal and have been blessed on creation.

The Blessing of Apony

The Blessing of Apony is an effect that is imbued into any pendant or other item used for religious purposes, as well as on any religious building used by the Cult.

The immediate effects of the Blessing is a protection against evil and negative influences and a heightened protection against disease.

More far reaching however are the long term effects of the Blessing on the wearer of a Blessed Pendant. It does not matter what sexual orientation the wearer previously had, within six month to a year he or she will become pansexual or strongly bisexual. Additionally, any wearer will become a proponent of polyamory.


Once per year, the Cult of Apony appoints one hundred female Inductees, that are gathered in one of the major temples and undergo a rite of induction. All Inductees are volunteers for the Cult of Apony and between 18 and 24 years old. For the next year they are given an initial training and induction into being a cleric.

To help them leave behind their old life, all Inductees are given to a temple far away from their original home, which supports them forgetting their old life. During this initial first year at a temple, they keep the chance to leave the Cult again.

Following this year of initial induction, The Inductees are split and transferred to ten of the monasteries, so that each of the monasteries can take or up to ten Inductees for five years, until the Inductee either gains a name and becomes an Acolyte, or becomes a Servitor.

It is unknown what the training entails, as no one outside of the Clergy of Apony or their Servitors is allowed into a monastery when Inductees are present.


Clergy of Apony (made in Second Life)

It is unknown how it has been achieved, but all members of the Apony clergy are of close to identical height (7 feet including pony boots), measurements ((up to)40M-18-42)and weight (250lb), though it is expected that the divine magic of Apony has to figure into this observation. Additionally there are about thirty percent of the clergy that have been gifted the ‘equipment of a stallion’ by Apony, which is important in a large part of their rites as such a gifted cleric can take the place of a stallion.

Every cleric is completely covered from head to toe in their iconic latex outfits, into which they are sealed, unable and unwilling to remove them under any circumstances. Is is to be noted here that attempting to forcefully remove such an outfit from a cleric of Apony will result in a teleportation of the cleric to the nearest temple, while clerics are vaporized in a blinding light upon their death.

Special parts of the outfits are the fully sealed plugs in the clerics’ muzzle, tailhole and vagina, each able to easily take any conceivable size of male penis with integrated pumps to adjust the fit. They are also easily able to receive the sizable stallion hood of clerics so gifted.

The bust size and hairstyle of the clerics may vary, as does the length of a clerics stallionhood. Hairstyles are all made of long strands of fine rubber and are worked into the head of the cleric like natural hair grows from a head.

There are six ranks of clergy of Apony, easily to be distinguished by their color scheme. Within the ranks all clerics are equal, independent of their age, though there might be informal ranks.

Following the Induction into Clergy, Acolytes may train in a chosen specialty, before choosing to be Inducted into those specialties with a Test. Specialty Inductions may be failed twice, with failing a third, final test resulting in the Acolytes to be reduced to Servitors.

For the most part within the specialized part of the Clergy, a submissive and a dominant will be partnered up, starting with their initiation, and will remain partnered up until the end.


Acolytes are the largest group of clerics within the Cult of Apony. Any Initiate that gains her name is first an Acolyte. Acolytes are either trained to become Guardians or Priestesses, or may choose to remain Acolytes for the remainder of their life. That does of course not mean that Acolytes cannot perform rites by themselves. The color scheme is yellow with black highlights.


Guardians are, as the name suggests, clerics of Apony that are responsible for the defense of the temple, monasteries and travelling priestesses. They are trained in a special form of martial arts that emphasises the use of their legs with kicks and the use of knees and shins as weapons. There is also a limited use of their chests and their arms for attack and defense. Their greatest defense is the red, with black highlights, outfits they wear are imbued with divine protective spells and vastly enhance their stamina, speed and strength. 

Some Guardians are chosen to represent the Cult in out of the way areas, or are to provide security for other places and as such Guardians can be found outside of Temples, Monasteries and travelling with Itinerants. It is not unusual to see one or two Guardians travelling alone or offering their services to roving bands of adventurers.

Dominant Guardians are called Sentinels and are charged with coordinating the defense of the Cult and enforcing the rules within it. Submissive Guardians are called Conscripts and are the muscle of the army as well as serving long hours on guard and watch duty.


Enforcers are a subset of the Guardians. Where Guardians are responsible for the defense of the temple itself, Enforcers are responsible for taking on the responsibilities for law enforcement within the communities that surround the temples. They answer to calls from concerned members of the herd (citizens) in response to crime of any sort, from theft, over scams to murder. They are also responsible for responding to fires and make use of various forms of divine magic for this duty.

The color scheme of their outfits is navy blue with black highlights, with the same protective properties of those of the Guardians.


Priestesses are the main priestesses of Apony and as such perform the majority of rites and ceremonies and take care of their herd. Their color scheme is black with red highlights.

Dominant Reverents lead rituals, distribute blessings, and are responsible for setting and maintaining the culture and rites of the Temple or Monastery. Submissive Curates serve as sacred stage-hands during rites, trained in handling divine objects as commanded by their superiors and required by the Goddess.

Head Priestesses are only present in the major temples and monasteries and are identified by their white with black highlights color scheme.


Healers are a subset of the Priestesses, performing the duties of healers for the herds and the temples. Their color scheme is fully black.

Healers make use of medical sciences, as well as magic to deal with healing injuries and diseases and act in the role of emergency medical personnel as needed to support Enforcers.


Itinerants are traveling priestesses and are responsible for either taking care of flocks in rural areas, travel to foreign lands and missionaries or merely feel themselves to be called to travel. Usually Itinerants are travelling in pairs, with one of the Itinerants being gifted by Apony. They are always accompanied by four Guardians, two of which are gifted by Apony. Itinerants have a blue with black highlights color scheme.

Internally, Itinerants are split into dominant Diplomats, who are given the responsibility of interacting with other sects and religions as a representative of the Cult, as well as spreading the word to those who have not yet been blessed by it, and submissive Messengers who are selected for their athleticism to deliver urgent parcels or critical messages.


One of the highest regarded of the clerics are the Shapers, with their green and black color scheme. The shapers are responsible for taking the raw harvested latex from the temple’s Shariga trees and creating the blessed garments of the clerics, as well as those garments that are used by the Herd for their rituals. They are dressed in uniforms of a green color with black highlights.

Internally Shapers are divided into Mancers, who display dominant behaviours and utilize divine magic gifted to them to shape their chosen material, while the more submissive Crafters are working physically with their hands to shape their materials into practical things, but also works of art.


Lorekeepers are at the same ranking as Priestesses and are responsible to keep the lore of the Cult of Apony and take care of its archives. They are dressed in uniforms of a purple color and black highlights.

Internally Lorekeepers are divided into the dominant Archivists, responsible for keeping everything in order and providing information after long searches, while the submissive Scribes are responsible for collecting information and writing it down.

The Induction of Lorekeepers always happens in pairs, with the target of making one Scribe and one Archivist, who will remain working as a team after the Induction.


The highest member of the clergy is the Avatar of Apony, who wears a pure white version of their iconic outfit and resides in the Main Temple of Apony.


Another unique thing of the Cult of Apony is that any Inductee of the Cult has to leave behind their old life and with that their old name and, during their training, earn a new name.

Once an Inductee has gained her name, she becomes an Acolyte. Many of these names are based around equines.

Based on their rank, each cleric has a prefix.

RankAcolyteGuardianEnforcersPriestessHealerLorekeeperItinerantShaperHead Priestess
Name prefixAmberRubyLapisEbonyOnyxSapphireAzureEmeraldIvory

As such a Priestess might be named Ebony Tail, while an Acolyte might be named Amber Groats.


As only about 40 percent of all Inductees of the Cult of Apony are able to gain names within a time limit of 5 years and become Acolytes, with the remaining 60 percent becoming Servitors, as they cannot be released back into a ‘normal life’. Those Inductees that are to be servitors are retained for half a year to be prepared for their new role and are given an alpha-numeric designation, describing their role as Servitor. Usually this alpha-numneric designation is marked along a Servitor’s legs.

Like the clergy, Servitors are sealed into identical outfits made from latex, only missing the symbolic horn as well as the mane of a cleric. Their tails are also reduced to a minimum. Generally Servitors are only a uniform five feet six tall, while they retain the measurements (40M-18-42) of a cleric, making them appear to be bustier. About a third of all Servitors are gifted with a stallionhood by Apony.

Additionally, Servitors are able to take larger sizes of penis, up to and including the size of a fully grown shire horse. The ability to take these sizes without problems is made use of to harvest fresh horse seed for various uses.

Feeding and taking care of bodily wastes for a Servitor is resolved through the simple expedient of administering a feeding enema that lasts for an entire day. The old one is removed, before the new one is applied, which happens in the Feeding Room, close to the Servitor quarters.

The general look of a Servitor is dependent on what role they have proven to be most useful for. This includes a limited color coding for the servitor depending on their role.

Interestingly, there are usually always those who are willing to be Servitors within the Cult of Apony, without any attempt to become Clerics first. In many cases these applicants are taken and the work they wish to do taken into consideration. Their training and modification generally takes about half a year and happens in Monasteries that are already taking care of Servitor conversions.

Every year there are about thirty to forty volunteers to become Servitors.

Mount Servitor

A Mount Servitor is a Servitor that has been specially selected to be in near constant use to collect and to a limited amount store the fresh seed of males of any species. As such they are able to take any size of penis for a long time and capture the seed for later use.

Mount Servitors are considered to not need to be able to communicate, hear or see and are not given the opportunity. Additionally their arms have been removed as they are not needed by a Mount Servitor and their sealed uniform is as smooth as possible.

Mount Servitors come in both mobile and immobile forms and can be distinguished by their coloration. Mobile Mount Servitors are colorized orange, while immobile Mount Servitors are colorized yellow.

Cart Servitor

Cart Servitors have been selected with the sole work of pulling carts or other vehicles and are generally seen used in limited transportation services around a Temple.

As they are only meant for moving carts from one place to another, Cart Servitors have their holes sealed and are unable to communicate. Those that are gifted with a stallionhood are unable to make use of it. They only need to see and hear direction and are allowed to perceive as such. Harnesses for carts are completely integrated into their uniforms and as such they do not need their arms, which have been removed.

Cart Servitors are generally of a blue coloration and are used by Itinerants to pull their carts.

Grooming Servitors

Grooming Servitors are considered to be among the more important types of Servitors. They are tasked with keeping the immaculate appearance of all clerics and Servitors, by cleaning them and polishing their rubber exterior.

Grooming Servitors are close to a basic cleric in appearance, safe for a permanently attached carrying pouch for cleaning and polishing equipment, as well as a pair of pressure containers on their backs, one containing a cleaning solution, while the other contains a polishing agent. As they are not expected to service in any other way than grooming, all holes of the Grooming Servitors are sealed any those gifted with a stallionhood are unable to make use of it.

Grooming Servitors are generally of a sandy brown color.

Custodian Servitor

Where Grooming Servitors are responsible for keeping up the appearance of the clerics and Servitors, Custodian Servitors are responsible for keeping temple and monastery grounds immaculate. They are responsible for cleaning the grounds, affecting repairs and even expanding buildings should it be needed.

Custodian Servitors are close to a basic cleric in appearance, safe for a permanently attached carrying pouch for cleaning and repair equipment, as well as a pair of pressure containers on their backs, each of which contains a different cleaning solution. As they are not expected to service in any other way than grounds keeping, all holes of the Custodian Servitors are sealed any those gifted with a stallionhood are unable to make use of it.

Custodian Servitors are generally of an orange color.

Shaper Servitor

Shaper Servitors are the assistants of the temple’s Shaper clerics and are responsible for taking care of the Shariga orchards, as well as harvesting the raw latex from the trees.

Shaper Servitors are close to a basic cleric in appearance, safe for a permanently attached carrying pouch for equipment, as well as a pair of containers on their backs, which are used to harvest the latex from the Shariga trees. As they are not expected to service in any other way than grounds keeping, all holes of the Custodian Servitors are sealed and those gifted with a stallionhood are unable to make use of it.

Shaper Servitors are generally of a green color, like the Shaper clerics.

Attendant Servitor

Attendant Servitors are another highly desired position among the Servitor Inductees, as they are responsible to attend to the clerics in any non-sexual manner, carrying items and help along with any requirements a Cleric might have.

Attendant Servitors are close to the basic cleric in appearance, only carrying a small pouch for items that a cleric might be in need of.

Attendant Servitors are generally of a charcoal gray color.

Naming Convention

The naming convention for Servitors is the following:

A shorthand for the role, followed by the numeric designation of the temple where they have been added into the Herd of Servitors, followed by an alphanumeric string of up to six characters.

For example, ‘MS-22-431A’ would be a Mount Servant, who has become a Servitor in the Temple of Alsred, with the personal number ‘431A’.



Usually there are also males that wish to join the Clergy of the Cult of Apony. Here it is to note that any male that wishes to join, is going to undergo a change of their bodies, so that, in the end, they look completely identical to any other cleric or Servitor, with the sole difference being that they are fully equipped with a working malehood and lack the vaginal hole of the other clerics/Servitors.

Even as such, there are about ten males among any years Inductees and are spread out over the ten groups of monasteries for training.

Additionally there are at least ten males that wish to become Servitors of the Cult of Apony.


Sometimes a temple or a monastery is assaulted by external forces, who are generally subdued by the Guardians. Usually these captives are kept within the temple or monastery for a limited time, during which they are, in most cases, turned into avid followers of Apony. Some of the male captives even volunteer to become sources of fresh seed for the various rites and ceremonies.

Should a monastery be attacked that is currently training new Inductees, the captives completely disappear and it is rumored that they become one form or another of Servitor. Usually the rumors talk about the attackers becoming either Mount or Cart Servitors.


Witnesses are females that only recently have undergone the Joining of the Herd, and have been welcomed into the Herd of Apony. Every year, three to ten of these are selected from the newly welcomed 17 year old females to become Witnesses for one year, until the next  Witnesses are selected.

Witnesses are expected to live within the temples and to observe the day to day life and work of the Clergy and Servitors, as well as their rituals. During this time they are completely ignored by all Clerics and Servitors as pure observers and they themselves are not allowed to interact with either the Clergy, the Servitors or the other Witnesses.

Additionally they are are not allowed to sexually please themselves, which usually leads to a year long heavy arousal of the Witnesses, who, strangely enough, will find that their first time of sex afterwards will leave much to be desired.

Witnesses are dressed in specialized latex uniforms (see illustration), which includes a large gag, which they may not take out and lacks a crotch zipper to remove the temptation of self pleasuring. To make sure that they do not please themselves, they are fitted with a form of chastity device that completely plugs up their nether holes and protects the erogenous zones from touch. Additionally, they are to wear ballet heeled boots.

Witnesses are fed much like Servitors, by a special feeding enema that is administered every morning.

As their time as Witness is over, the Witnesses are to keep their uniforms and are required to wear them to any ritual or temple visit in place of the more urual simple pony outfits worn by the other members of the Herd.

At the end it is to note that about 45 percent of Witnesses choose to join the Servitors of Apony, with a shortened training. And as they have been volunteers for this duty, they are able to select their duties. Another 45 percent of the Witnesses choose to wear their Witness Uniforms at all times and usually join one of the Observer Societies, while the remaining return to a more normal life.

Source Unknown ATM

Observer Societies

Observer Societies came into existence relatively soon after the Cult of Apony began to introduce the Witnesses. Some females liked their role and life as Witnesses and chose to continue living such a life.

These Observer Societies are where Witnesses go to become Observers, moving into communities to observe their daily lives, periodically returning to the Society to share their observations.

Much like Witnesses in Temples, Observers are usually ignored by the communities as they merely observe everything, creating a long term ‘memory’ of how people live and how society changes over time.

Observers can be distinguished from Witnesses by purple latex replacing the blue latex.

It is to be noted that the Observer Societies have the full support of the Cult of Apony and its temples.


General Rules for Clerics and Servitors

  • Clerics and Servitors are not allowed to sit and only to lie down when a ritual or ceremony demands it
  • The Main Rest period of the day is from ten in the evening to five in the morning. It may not be extended or shortened, unless a ritual, ceremony or specific duties demand it
  • Any cleric and Servitor (who are able) has to be within the communal cleric or servitor sleeping areas five minutes before the beginning of the Main Rest period and leave five minutes after its end
  • Clerics and Servitors may only sleep within either a latex vacuum bed or a bondage frame
  • All clerics and Servitors have to be as graceful as possible while moving or performing any work and/or ritual
  • All clerics and Servitors have to present themselves in one of five positions that show off themselves in the best possible light
  • All clerics and Servitors are to, is possible, avoid making any noises, unless they are made by the rubber covering their bodies.
  • Relationships, sexual and otherwise are not only allowed, but expected between Clerics, Servirots or Clerics and Servitors. These relationships receive the Blessing of Apony.

Rules for Clerics

  • Clerics are not allowed to speak out loud unless the situation demands it, like a ritual, a ceremony or a sermon
  • Every cleric is to be seen walking outside temple or monastery ground at least one hour per day, multiple clerics in a group are preferable
  • Clerics are to be available for any request for sexual intercourse made by a member of the local herd or any visitor
  • If leaving temple or monastery grounds clerics are to wear a ‘Ring of Sustenance’, as the temple or monastery wide divine Enchantment of Sustenance for clerics is not in effect.

Rules for Servitors

  • Servitors are not allowed to communicate with anyone outside of Clerics and other Servitors
  • Servitors are not allowed to interact with anyone outside of Clerics and other Servitors
  • Servitors are not allowed to leave temple or monastery ground unless given an order to do so
  • Servitors are to enter the Feeding Room at five ten each morning to be fed and their wastes being taken care of until five thirty

Rules for the members of the Herd of Apony

  • All members of the Herd of Apony are expected to wear a Pendant with the Blessing of Apony at all times
  • All members are expected to wear one items of latex clothing at all times (Usually this are gloves or underwear)
  • All members are expected to own a basic latex pony suit for use while visiting the Temple for taking part in a ritual

Other services

It is to be noted that the Cult of Apony does offer special services to those to give generous donations to the Cult. These services involve giving, for example up to six Guardians to a person as bodyguards, or any Acolyte or Priestess as a mistress for their sexual life. Quite often there are Servitors that are given away to anyone who offers the right donation. Among these Mount Servitors and Cart Servitors are the most popular.

Effects of the Cult of Apony

The effects of the Cult of Apony on society and cultures can be observed rather well within Issbane and other nations where the Cult of Apony is the majority or the strongest minority religion.

Due to the nature of the Cult and its Goddess, areas influenced by the Cult slowly develop matriarchal society with females generally in charge. Additionally the general pansexual (bisexual) nature of all members of the Cult and the generally accepted polyamory, larger family structures develop, with three to ten adults marrying each other and being sexually active with each other.

One of the stranger effects of the Cult however is the slow development of two specific male phenotypes over longer times. One of these phenotypes is a large powerfully built male, while the other is a slender young looking feminine male (femboy), with an almost 50/50 split of all males. They only males that seem to be outside of this tend to be from the outside of the Cult.

There is also the fact that universally females that are members of the Cult are considered to be good looking by just about everyone.

To a degree, it is thought that these phenotypic changes might be the effect of long term eugenic practices performed by the clerics of the Cult of Apony, though it is mostly expected to be a result of the Blessing.

Due to the heavy emphasis the Cult of Apony places into sexual activities in its rites and ceremonies, sexual interaction in public is considered to be normal.

Rites and Ceremonies

Release of the Harvest

Once every three month the Major Temples and Monasteries a delegation of the Cult moves to one of the surrounding towns to begin the ‘Release of the Harvest’. This delegation is made up of the Head Priestess, two Priestesses, four Acolytes and six Guardians, as well as two carts pulled by Cart Servitors. Each of the carts contains four cages.

For this ritual, all single males of the town are to appear naked before a delegation of the Cult to be judged. Each applicant is tested by the delegation one after the other, before they come to a decision. Only the twelve males, the ‘Bearers of the Seed’, that can release the most seed are bound by the Guards and then put into one of the cages on the carts, while the males that are inside the cages are released.

The delegation then returns to its temple, where the Bearers are dressed into special ‘Harvest Garments’, heavy latex clothing that are specially made to cover most of the Bearer and allow it to heavily bind the Bearer in place. Additionally a ‘Ring of Sustenance’ is provided to each Bearer.

Each of the Bearers is then assigned a Mount Servant and one of twelve Priestesses. For the next three month, each Bearer is kept in constant arousal and milked for his seed. Twice per day this is done by a Priestess, who may change his position, while the remaining time he is serviced by his Mount Servant.

After the three month are over, the Bearer is released in the next town of the ‘Release of the Harvest’. While the Ring of Sustenance is recovered, the released Bearer remains in his ‘Harvest Garments’.

Each Bearer is allowed to apply for the ‘Release’ again at the same time. And usually at least two of the Bearers do just this.

Joining the Herd

Once per year, usually on the day of the Spring equinox, the young people, who had their 17th birthday, of the local herd of the Cult of Apony are gathered to join the Herd of the Cult followers.

For the ritual, each of the young males and females is given a simplified latex pony outfit to wear during the ritual. During the ritual, the new herd members are put into sensory deprivation. For the ritual itself, some of the herd are present to witness the Joining.

The ritual itself is different for the males and females. While females are mounted by one of the gifted clerics until they reach their climax, males are to mount a cleric until they climax. However, it is possible that a male may request to be mounted instead. Following this sexual encounter with the clerics, a lot decides which males are to mount which females (or other males) for the next part of the ritual, followed by another mounting of/by Clerics.

Following a shuffling of the new herd members, they are released from their sensory deprivation and given a lecture for their new roles as members of the herd of Apony.

The ritual concludes with festivities in the temple itself, during which the new herd members may make use of any of the Acolytes or Servitors that may be able to be used.

Marriage Ceremony

Marriage ceremonies are usually performed for three to five lovers that have decided to keep living and love together and get children. These kinds of marriage is preferred by the Cult and its clerics.

Every partner that is to be married, is to wear his or her pony suit. The Priestesses of the temple are then to bring each partner to a full climax, followed by bringing all partners to a climax at the same time. The partners are then to exchange items of significance to symbolize their ties, before they are to have group sex in front of the gathered Herd members.

The marriage herd then leads their guests to a big feast, complete with various sexual activities.


Temple sizes

AcolytesGuardiansLorekeepersPriestessShapersHead PriestessServitors
Minor Temple11524230
Major Temple31155124172
Main Temple77351728161210