Sheer Temptation

Sheer Temptation is a group of like-minded, highly sexual people gathered by Dione in The Crimson Domain. Their Patron Dione has shaped them according to her, and their own, desires, after becoming part of the Sheer Temptation.

As members of The Hobbled Accord, Sheer Temptation has been confirmed to be inspired by other member groups, such as Selene’s Family.

Other than Selene’s Family or the Twilight Herd, the goal of the Sheer Temptation has never been to become rubber beings, but to show off their naked bodies, even as they were encased in rubber. As such, they prefer to wear various outfits made from transparent latex.

Height185 cm185 cm178 cm165 cm
Bust107 cm77 cm103 cm95 cm
Cup Size (EU)78HN.A.74H68H
Waist60 cm60 cm58 cm54 cm
Hips86 cm86 cm83 cm77 cm
RolePatron MistressSubmissiveSubmissiveSubmissive


Dione is the first member, founder and Patron of the Sheer Temptation, and owner of the section of The Tethered Enclave known as the Sheer Descent.

She is always looking to extend her collection of submissives.


Dione is a striking and graceful sight as she moves, and radiates vibrancy and quiet confidence. Her skin has a creamy white colour and appears flawless, aside from a few birthmarks here and there that add to the allure of her body.

Her face is almost symmetrical in appearance, a harmonious blend of charm and beauty, with high cheekbones and a rounded jawline. Her eyes are a deep brown colour and seem to gleam with almost perpetual mischief. Her nose has a slight up turn, making it look cute on her. Her lips are full and almost always quirked into a slight smirk, as if she knows something others do not. Instead of simple lipstick or lip gloss, they are instead covered by a layer of crimson latex that clearly extends to the inside of her mouth, as her tongue, if it shows past her pearly white teeth, is clearly covered in latex. Her face is framed by a luxurious mane of long, wavy crimson hair, which reaches down to past the small of her back. It catches the light in a way that gives it a silky sheen.

Her neck is slender and encircled by a simple collar, made from crimson latex, and locked on the back of her neck by a simple padlock, with a ring hanging from the front. It extends to her shoulder, down her arms, and finally her slender fingers. Her arms are encased by a pair of opera length gloves made from translucent crimson latex that are slightly more opaque around the upper rim.

Her chest is a prominent feature of her body, with a pair of H-cup breasts hanging from it. The breasts have an almost natural shape, but there is still something artificial about them that makes them appear surgically enhanced. Each is topped by a darker nipple, pierced by a simple ring.

Her waist pulls in sharply, usually not adorned by any corset, with her navel pierced by another simple ring. Her hips flare out from there, giving her a near hourglass figure with its own allure.

Her crotch is bare, shaven clean like the rest of her body, outside her hair and eyebrows. As such, one can easily see a pair of poofy, well shaped labia lips that always seem to glisten lightly from moistness. But, one can see a simple ring pierced through her clitoris. Her backside is nice and firm, and does its best to hide her pucker from view, unless, of course, she wears a jewel plug, which she does regularly.

From her wide hips, her legs extend with a pair of thick thighs and sharply lower legs, encased in tight thigh high stockings that reach up to just below her crotch. They are made from the same translucent crimson latex as her gloves, down to the slightly more opaque rim on the top. Lower down, her feet seem permanently encased in crimson shoes, reminiscent of ballet shoes, made from a slightly transparent plastic that allows one to see her feet and toes, as the plastic encases them. There are no heels that would support her heels, as she is forced to stand on the tips of her toes, balancing on soles that are maybe the size of 50 cent coins. The plastic of the shoes certainly prevents any and all movement from her ankles. To limit the movement of her feet, a pair of rings are outright pierced through her legs behind the Achilles tendons, connected by a chain of normally 15 cm length to hobble her steps. However, the chain can suddenly extend to 30 cm length, enough to climb a set of stairs without assistance if she needs to.

This is certainly her permanent look, as she never takes off either gloves, stockings or shoes. Instead, she adds to the outfit, though the hobble chain limits her to skirts of all kinds, though she completely forgoes any form of underwear. With the transparent crimson latex her outfits are made off, one can always see all her body, which makes it a captivating sight.


Dione has a friendly and confident demeanour, but she is a dominant that does not tolerate any other dominant on her own group. Yet, she still retains her deep friendship with all the other Patrons within The Hobbled Accord.

She is a fair woman, when it comes down to it, who accepts and even thrives when her submissives give her criticism, though ultimately she expects they follow her orders. She also sees her submissives as her friends, and will confide in them, should she need to, and expects them to listen to to keep their mouths shut.

Still, some people say they could see Dione as the evil temptress in a 60s or 70s James Bond movie, which is something she takes as a compliment.


Rhea has been with Dione since almost the first day. She has been a Patron of The Crimson Domain and is completely devoted to his mistress. Dione has shaped Rhea into a perfect femboy toy, changing his body to look almost identical to her own.

This goes down to being dressed and made up identically to Dione at all times.


Rhea’s body is almost identical to Dione, aside from several differences.

His hair is bright copper, while the latex he wears is always of a simple red colour, rather than the deep crimson of his Patron. He also has a completely flat chest, rather than the large h-cup breasts of Dione, or any of the other submissives of Dione.

Between his legs, he lacks his Patron’s vulva, instead sporting a penis permanently hidden behind a flat head chastity cage that keeps him contained. Meanwhile, his balls appear thicker than those of other men, smooth and shaved like the rest of his body, hanging heavily from his crotch.


Rhea is a complete and utter submissive and completely devoted to Dione. He is almost incapable of denying her will and is always around her. He will endure any humiliation he might receive from Dione, or any of her other submissives, even thanking them for it.

Yet, he can be brutally honest and cuttingly sarcastic about things, even as he is ploughed from behind by a thick cock or dildo. He also isn’t above calling Dione an idiot to her face, if he feels she is being stupid about things, and one of those people Dione trusts explicitly about everything.


Phoebe is the third member of the Sheer Temptation and has been for a while. She has become something of a diplomat among the members of the Sheer Temptation, and is usually the one who smoothed over waves between any of them.


Like all others of the Sheer Temptation, the body of Phoebe is almost identical to Dione, just on the shorter side, and with her hair being of a brown colour, with green eyes.


Like Dione, Phoebe had a friendly and confident personality. She always projects a calmness that also affects others around her, making them calmer in return, which allows her to act as a diplomat.


Ariel is the fourth member of the Sheer Temptation. She has devoted her life to Dione, but not to the same degree as Rhea.


Like all members of the Sheer Temptation, Ariel is almost identical to Dione, with the exception of her hair, which is dark blonde, her eyes, with a blue colour, and the addition of a penis and balls to her crotch.

Other than Rhea, Ariel usually wears a simple metal cock cage that gives her cock some ‘space to breathe’ and is certainly not permanently installed and can only be removed by Dione. If the cock cage is removed, Ariel may reach a length of 20 cm when erect. Her balls are of a normal size and shaved smooth.


Ariel’s personality can be described as brash by those who first meet her, but she shows a bit of softness for those she likes, even if she keeps making sarcastic and ironic comments.

Ariel is what could be called vitriolic best friends with Rhea, as they are almost always in a battle of snark and sarcastic comments.

Sheer Descent

Sheer Descent is a section of the greater Tethered Enclave belonging to the Sheer Temptation.

Sheer Descent is maybe 500 hectares in size and resembles the top of a mountain, with many sheer drop walls. However, one cannot look at any of the possibly surrounding lands, as everything below the mountain top is perpetually shrouded in thick clouds. The top of the mountain is covered in snow at all times, but is still covered, and free walking paths that run along several of the sheer drops. The entrances to some clearly artificial tunnels leading into the mountain are used to connect to the other sections of the Tethered Enclave.

There is little in the way of vegetation in Sheer Descent, and no animal life at all. As such, the stillness is only broken by the sound of wind.

The center of Sheer Descent is a perfect copy of the Hotel Ještěd in Czechia built in the 1960s, from the inside and the outside. As such, the entire building has the look and feel of a 1960s James Bond villain.

While Sheer Descent is a complete copy of the hotel, it has been expanded with BDSM play areas and rooms, as well as a small club, where Dione regularly invites guests and friends.