The Town of Munster, Oregon

Munster a small city with its surrounding area located in a dimensional anomaly, in the North-West of Oregon in the United States of America.

The area has been known for a long time by the native tribes of the area, but generally avoided, as people tended to disappear there for unknown reasons, and strange things could be found there. In 1354 the originally Welsh dragon Elenydd discovered the area, having fled from prosecution in her native lands by the English. She had known about the existence of lands on the other side of the Atlantic thanks to the old Norse sagas she had heard as a child.

She discovered that the area contained a dimensional weak spot and was able to use it to create a dimensional pocket from it, containing a land area the size of Vermont, with only a limited number of entry points and not all of them leading to the same dimension. While Elenydd populated the newly created land with plant and animal life from the area, she also invited some of the local tribe to live inside the pocket and was taken up by a few from the Cowlitz, Kathlamet and Wahkiakum people.

They were left largely unmollested, until a group of Anabaptist settlers stumbled over one of the entryways into the dimensional pocket in 1842 by accident. These settlers had been prosecuted in the East due to their particular type of Christian faith and its tennant of sexual freedom going against the puritan sexual mores of ‘mainsteam’ American Christianity.

Elenydd welcomed the settlers into her land, where she, and the native people she had live with for more than five hundred years. They too had developed idea about sexual freedoms, largely supported and to a degree influenced by Elenydd.

With the arrival of the settlers, the town of Munster was founded and some settlers left to get more of their group to Munster, quickly growing the population.

Elenydd also began to work on magical protections of the entry points, so that for the most part, only specific individuals could find the place, largely determined by their sexual preferences and kinks.

The two populations of native people and settlers managed to peacefully merge under the influence of Elenydd and the additional influx of people of the ‘right’ sexual preferences, Munster developed its own internal culture, though it did stay within a certain American main stray.

To this day, Munster is a normal American city on the outside, but with sexual kinks and fetishes on open display everywhere. Thanks to the further development of their specific form of Anabaptism, especially after 1865, when Elenydd was elected to be the leader of the congregation, neither LGBTQ+, nor the various fetishes and kinks are seen as in any way a sin, as long as everything happens between consenting adults.

With the area avaiable to Munster inside the dimensional pocket, only a limited part is actually settled with more than 75% of the area remaining ‘wild and untamed’.

Still Munster is known to the outside world and technically part of Oregon, but for the most part, Munster is only believed to be a relatively small logging town, unimportant in the great scheme of things. This allowed the town to enact polities and laws on a muncipical level that partially go against US federal law, like the legality of poligamy, prostitution, soft drugs like mariuana and a very specific, highly regulated form of indentured servitude.

Many of these polities and laws were initiated by Elenydd, who had continously been elevted as Major of Munster since 1894.

The main ‘export’ industry of Munster is logging and paper, while internally it has a working agricultural, semiconductor and limited chemical industry, sorely for internal, local use.

It is believed that Elenydd may have some additional influence over the people of Munster, but that is unconfirmed, even though the growth of the latex and BDSM fetish scene of Munster has received a massive growth since 2003 and the first recorded presence of Elenydd’s pet/servant Rati.