Meeting Up – Chapter 3

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Those words made Anadra’s breath hitch and she stiffened up, making Kenura hold her a little closer.

“Is something wrong?”

She swallowed as fear and embarrassment rose up in her at first. But people would see her like this.

Some fear changed to anticipation, a giddiness that made her shiver lightly as she realized what she just thought.

People would see her like this. People would actually see how she wanted to be, how she wanted them to see her. They would see Andndra, not the pasty human nerd, stuck in a dead end job, in a dead end town, in a dead end life.

The fear almost completely vanished, as her imagination supplied her with people looking at her with envy. Envy about her body, envy about being with Kenura. She relaxed in Kenura’s arms and took a deep breath, licking her lips.

People would see her. Oh and how people would see her.

Those thoughts, initially of fear, now caused an almost arousing sensation to run through her body, making her shiver again, this time with a smile.

“Just imagining what will happen if people see me now,” she said in a low voice.

“Oh, you get the same illusion as me,” Kenura said with a chuckle. “Just a very attractive girl on the dance floor.”

Anadra made a mooing sound, feeling a little disappointed at hearing that, shoulders slumping a little.

“But I want people to see me like this…”

Kenura gave a chuckle and slowly released the hybrid.

“Who would have guessed you’d be an exhibitionist?” she teased, earning her a light slap on the shoulder.

“Says the dragon who’d dressed as skimpy as me.”

“Touche…” Kenura snickers. “Let’s get going.”


Kenura only smiled and made a few complicated movements of her hands and arms, making an ornate door of all things appear in mid air.

“Et voila,” she said, and walked to the door, opening it.

Where the door had been silent before, the room suddenly filled with the beat of French House music, and Anadra could see laser light through the artificial fog rolling in. As she stared, the taller dragon grabbed her hand and dragged her along, through the door.

From one moment to the next, they were standing in a loud club, surrounded by people, dancing on the floor, sitting or standing around with their drinks, conversing through the loud music, somehow.

Kenura directly pulled her through the throng of people, who all made space for her and her wings, all but ignoring the two dragons as they made their way through the dance floor.

Anadra, who never had been in any club in her old life, was almost numb as the feeling of fear and embarrassment returned to her, only to abate when people continued to largely ignore her. Yes, she got a few glances, but those were appreciative more than anything else, and people willingly made space.

It took a few moments to reach the dance floor, and Kenura turned around, grinning at Anadra.

“Dance, girl,” she said, her voice barely making it through the loud music. “Dance like no one is around.”

Kenura began to dance herself, and for a few moments Anadra could only stare at the larger dragon, feeling lost in the crowd. But that only lasted for a few more moments. She swallowed and hesitantly began to try and dance.

Soon enough, she didn’t try anymore. She just did. The music went into her body, driving it, making her new, changed body move on its own. It did not take much longer, and she lost sense of time. Her eyes locked onto the dancing of her partner, Kenura, as she moved fluidly on her own, seven limbs moving around in a way that didn’t even touch a single of the surrounding humans. And Anadra did the same.

Fluid movement followed the beat and sound of the music, making her dance around Kenura. Her eyes riveted on the dragon, just like the dragon’s eyes remained on her. The world seemed to shrink around her, containing just Kenura, herself and the music.

They remained in that world for… how long, Anadra knew didn’t how long, dancing just for each other. It only ended when Kenura danced closer, gripping the smaller hybrid dragon around the waist and leading her towards one of the booths in the club, pulling Anadra gently out of the dance trance she had found herself in.

“You sit down here,” Kenura said into her ear.” You sit down…”

With a nod, Anadra slid into one of the seats of the booth, breathing hard from the exertion of dancing for however long. And the best part was that she wasn’t even sweaty. Like at all. Being reptilian ruled…

She closed her eyes for a few moments, a grin plastered to her face. She had never felt this good. It was as if all the endorphins that had collected for a long time in her brain had been released at once. She didn’t want it to end.

But eventually it would end. She opened her eyes again and stared out of the booth and towards the dance floor. 

Twelve hours. That was what Kenura had said the scroll was good for… Twelve hours until she was back to her old body, her old existence. The old grind of work, day in and day out, only interrupted by RPing with Kenura.

Her eyes searched for and then found Kenura, her perfect body weaving its way through the crowd, holding a pair of drinks. Her eyes followed that body as she tried to sear all the perfect little details into her brain to not forget anything for those days when she was back to ‘normal’.

Eventually, Kenura slid into the booth next to Anadra, putting the drink in front of her. Anadra reached for the glass and took a sip. It was fruity, alcoholic, had a hint of acidic sharpness to it and burned in the back of her throat. But it was not something that she had a particular problem with.

She took a deep breath after taking a longer sip of the glass, emptying it by half, and leaned against Kenura, her dragon, wrapping both arms around her, pulling herself close against her.

“My, we are grabby, aren’t we?” Kenura said with a chuckle, and Anadra looked up into her face.

“I don’t want this to end,” she whispered, her voice swallowed by the music.

“Hmmm?” Kenura made in question, prompting Anadra to look down and bury her face into the smooth scales of the larger dragon.

Anadra pressed her eyes shut and pulled herself even closer. The euphoria from the earlier dancing had made space for depressing thoughts about going back to her old life when this was over. And this was going to be over much too soon.

As she didn’t answer, Kenura reached for her muzzle and pulled it from her side and up, looking down at the closed eyes of Kenura. She pressed them shut again, before opening them again, with a few tears visible.

“What is it, Anadra?” Kenura asked, her voice, though soft, easily audible over the music of the club.

“I don’t want to go back,” Anadra said, with a tremble in her voice. “I don’t want to go back to that dead-end life. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, no matter what I have to do for it…”

There were tears rolling down her scaled reptilian cheeks as she looked up at her dragon.

“Please don’t make me go back…”

Kenura looked down at her and let go of her muzzle, to raise her hand and gently stroke over Anadra’s head. Anadra didn’t know what thoughts were running through her head. This was not RP, this was real, this was more real than anything else in her life.

More tears ran down her cheeks as she kept looking up, Kenura’s claws gently caressing her scalp.

“You know,” Kenura said after a few moments, “I had this plan… I take you out tonight to give you a chance to be Anadra for a few hours, and if you liked it, I would have extended it to a weekend, complete with coming back with me to my home. After that a week of vacation, just the two of us in this house I have.”

She hummed and her hand moved to caress Anadra’s cheek, her face taking on a faraway look.

“After that, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to stay with me as Anadra.”

Anadra kept looking up, shivering, and more tears threatened to run down her cheeks. Perhaps this was like puppy dog eyes, as Kenura’s face softened a little.

“But…” she said after a few moments. “I feel that plan might not be such a good idea anymore.”

Hope rose up in Anadra, and her arms squeezed tighter around Kenura’s waist.

“Do you want to stay with me?” she was finally asked. “Be my pet? Be my Anadra for me?”

Anadra’s eyes closed and she buried her face into her dragons side, swaddling lightly in relief, tears of joy flowing freely.

“Yes,” she whispered, the single word easily carrying through a temporary pause in the music.

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