The Rubber Doll Commune

The Rubber Doll Commune is an alternate lifestyle group. Its members have decided to live their daily lives as heavy rubber fetish dolls with all that entails. They keep themselves largely insulated within the building owned by the Commune, which also includes the Squeaky Clean CarWash, where members of the Commune clean cars manually. However, this is not their main source of income, as the founder of the group is responsible for financing the group. The carwash is a way to occupy the members, as well as give some sort of ‘outreach’, allowing outsiders to seem them.

The Dolls

It is to be noted that any behaviour and actions of the members of the Rubber Doll Commune is strictly voluntary and informed by their self image.

Generally, all members of the group are referred to as ‘Dolls’, and prefer to be referred to as ‘it’, to reflect their status as ‘dolls’. They also refer to themselves by numbers. The founder of the group is #1, with everyone else given random numbers from #10 to #89, with #90 to #99 given to prospective dolls allowed to try out the lifestyle for a limited time, to be given a new number if they join the group.

Externally, all dolls appear a highly fetishiezed female latex objects, even though there are some male members of the group, who have chosen to become female to become dolls.

The Uniform & Body

The uniform consists of:

  • A thick heavy rubber body suit
    • The suit is always seamless, without wrinkles and smooth.
    • This body suit may be equipped by a pair of ‘toy fuck holes’ for easy sexual intercourse. About two thirds of the Dolls prefer to be equipped with these ‘toy fuck holes’.
    • If no ‘toy fuck holes’ are present, the doll’s vagina and anus are filled by a special form of inflatable dildos. These dildos are filled with a gel that becomes solid under the effects of an integrated vibrator
    • The suit always includes a little ‘pouch’, allowing the wearers’ clitoris to be visible at all times. In many cases, the clitoris is pierced through the rubber.
    • The suit individually encases the wearer’s breasts and provides support, while allowing free movement in any direction. The nipples and areola are always visible. In many cases, the nipples are pierced.
  • Ballet boots
    • The ballet boots are seamlessly integrated into the body suit, moulded into the suit.
    • The ballet boots may or may not include heels. While new dolls generally have heels, they will eventually decide not to have heels.
  • A Posture Collar
    • The Posture Collar is a heavy design that completely prevents any movement of the head.
    • A handle on the front, with a number tag hanging from it, reading the number of the doll.
    • The collar is equipped with a throat microphone and vocoder speaker, allowing every doll to easily speak, though it is ensured that all dolls use clearly artificial voices.
  • A Faceless Hood
    • The Faceless Hood completely encases the wearer’s head, removing any features from the wearer’s head, leaving only the nose externally visible, with the eyes just slightly visible.
    • The hood may or may not include a moulded rubber mouth with rubber lips, rubber teeth and a rubberized tongue. If the mouth is not present, a butterfly gag fills the wearer’s mouth, inflated by the same gel as the dildos.
    • About three quarters of the dolls have chosen to use a mouth.
    • A ‘breathing box’ is embedded into the hood on the back of the head, with two breathing tube quick connectors and a rebreather bag integrated. The quick connectors are always closed when not connected to an external air supply, forcing the doll to breathe through the rebreather bag. However, a small valve in the bag may be opened. Usually this is only used for moving from room to room, or area to area, as any room within the Communes building it equipped with at least four air hoses for the doll’s shared air supply.
  • Bondage rings
    • A few dolls have decided to integrate bondage rings directly into their uniforms.

Generally, all dolls are free to freely choose the two colours of their uniform, with metal parts of the uniforms made from chromed or bronzed metal.

As these uniforms are designed to be worn 24/7/365 and only removed in emergencies, they are also designed to include three well hidden quick connectors that cannot be seen normally. One connectors is located where the hood meets the posture collar and is a port used for drinking and eating, though the latter is only for liquid food. The other two are located in the crotch of each doll, connected to a catheter and a enema tube, allowing the dolls to take care of their ‘business’. In some cases, the catheter connector is also used for watersports play.

It is to be noted that the shared doll air supply consists of heavily filtered external air, which is then reinforced by the scent of rubber and a light aphrodisiac. When leaving the building, bolls usually connect a simple gasmask filter, or a heavier back pack based filter system.

The dolls body shape is equally uniform and of the same basic body shape, aside from the height of the doll. All dolls have a waist of at most 50 cm, while their breasts are uniformly enlarged to Cup K (Euro). While their height cannot be uniform by nature, they do attempt to limit size differences from 175cm to 190cm, including the ‘heels’ of their footwear, which may differ from 17 to 21cm.


While the uniform look of the dolls are one drawing point to the Commune, the other is the strict rules of behaviour the dolls adhere to at all times. This begins with their speech patterns and continues to how they behave in private and in public.

  • Dolls refer to themselves by ‘this doll’ or ‘it’.
  • Dolls refer to other dolls by their number or ‘it’.
  • Dolls refer to several other dolls by their numbers or ‘them’.
  • Dolls refer to their grou internally as ‘the dolls’.
  • Dolls refer to anyone outside the Commune as ‘master’ or ‘mistress’, no matter the circumstances.
  • Dolls refer to their group to any outside as ‘the Rubber Doll Commune’.
Private Behaviour
  • All dolls are equal in rank, regardless of age (time as a doll) or their number. Only in some cases Doll #1 retains the leadership role. Like during recruiting.
  • Dolls never speak of their time before they joined the Commune. As far as they are concerned, they were born the moment they joined up and put on their uniforms as full members for the first time.
  • While dolls may pair up romantically or sexually, all dolls are expected to equally treat any other doll, even when it comes to sexual intercourse.
  • Abuse of any kind is prohibited and will lead to the immediate expulsion of the perpretator.
  • Sexual intercourse at all times is welcome and encouraged. However, ‘no’ means ‘no’.
  • Any form of sexual play is welcome, but dolls have to respect the limites of other dolls.
Public behaviour
  • Dolls have to behave meticulously in public.
  • Dolls are prohibited from sexual intercourse in public, but may show ‘normal’ shows of affection.
  • Dolls have to inform the authorities about sexual predation on themselves while in public.
  • Dolls may not engage in sexual intercourse in public.


Recruiting new dolls is heavily regulated by the group, based on rules layed down by #1 and the other initial five dolls of the Commune. The Commune is only open for recruitment every six months.

Phase One

Phase One of the recruitment begins with an annoucement of the recruitment in the relevant places and taking in resumes of prospective dolls. During a four week period the resumes are collected and the group as a whole decided on twenty candidates to move into Phase Two.

Phase Two

In this Phase, the candidates are called in for inteviews in an hotel that belongs to someone friendly with the Commune. Over two days the candidates a questioned, based on a psychological test specially designed to show the best fits to the Commune, as well as observing the candidate for lies during questioning with a machine learning algorithm trained on involuntary human micromovements as well as chemical sensors in the candidates chair to gauge their arousal level during the interview. The inteview finishes with the candidate being asked to undress and step into a sophisticated full body 3D scanner to get a their exact measurements, as well as being able to make the prospective cancidates uniform.

After any identifiable traits are removed from the interviews, they are again preused by the entire group decides on six candidates to invite for Phase Three.

Phase Three

In Phase Three, the selected candidates are invited for a trial period of four weeks, during which they are given a uniform specially created for them. During the first two weeks, prospective dolls live as one of the group in the building, but are not allowed outside, to observe their behaviour in the group. Additionally, this is to give the prospective dolls the chance to leave on their own accord, be it that it is not what they expected, that they cannot take the suits, or any other reason.

The the end of these two weeks, the group as a whole decides on two cancidated to remove from Phase Three, with four remaining for the remaining two weeks of the trial period. If two or more candicates have decided to leav on their own, this decision is moot.

In the last two weeks, the remaining candidates are introduced into the public, first by working in the carwash tunnel and finally by walking out in the open with a group of dolls on excursion of some sort.

Finally, only two cancidates are decided on to take on as new dolls.

However, all candicates are sent back home and are only informed about the decision two days later. They are then given a month. to take care of business, before beginning their life as a doll.

Notable Dolls

Doll #1

Doll #1 is the initiator of the Rubber Doll Commune and the main fource of the groups finances. #1 owns the building and the grounds it stands on.

While #1 adhered strictly to the rules, the doll has some special powers in the group, largely revolving around recruitment, as it is the only doll allowed to know the former identity of all dolls. Additionally, #1 is responsible for the finances of the group.

Heigh177cm (with boots)
Waist50 cm
Hips93 cm

Doll #1 considers itself to be the prototype of the dolls and wears a purple uniform with black highlights and no heels on her feet. #1 does have nipple and clit piercings, a moulded mouth and toys holes.

Doll #13 & #31

Doll #13 and #31 are identical twins and cofounders of the Rubber Doll Commune. Over the years they have come completely subservient to Doll #1. They are responsible for the design and construction of the large scale heavy rubber 3D printer, which is able to print anything made of latex, especially the doll uniforms. Without this device, the Rubber Doll Commune would not exist.

Like #1 they adhere strictly to the rules anre are responsible for anything technical that may come up within the group. They also tend to work in the front room of the Squeaky Clean CarWash.

Height175 cm (with boots)
Waist50 cm (with hidden corset)
Hips95 cm

Doll #13 and #31 wear black on white, as well as white on black respectively for their uniforms and no heels. While they have nipple and clit piercings, they have decided against mouth and toy sheathes.

Of special note is that #13 and #31 are heavily into sensory deprivation and the other dolls consider them to be in this state unless they are working at the CarWash or dealing with technical problems. Additionally, they are heavily into twincest, as such things are called, and share a single private room.