Fetish Vixen Servants

The Fetish Vixen Servants are a ‘brainchild’ of the Fox Sisters, who have trained over 500 of them since 2000. All Fetish Vixen Servants are either indentures or employees of Marcus Cornelius Guffin LLC, depending on their proclivities. Finishing their training at Crimson Strat House after a four year training period, they are rented out as servants in various roles to individuals all over the United Kingdom and abroad.

Fetish Vixen Servants are almost identical in their looks to any other Fetish Vixen Servant, safe for their eye colours, the timbre of their voices and their dialects. Their training is identical, while their responses to various advances on them are almost identical.

General Requirements

  • Voluntary entry into training
  • Must be between 18 to 25 years of age, though the younger candidates are preferred
  • Must be willing to leave their old lives completely behind to become a full Fetish Vixen Servant
  • Must be willing to give up their old body-shape and experience limited personality changes
  • Must be female or trans-femme

Due to the limited number of places available for training each year (25), Crimson Strat House is careful in its selection of training candidates. It will ensure that every candidate is generally aware of what they are in for during training, and that training and their life afterwards is a life choice. They will be informed what is entailed by the transformation and the training, as well as their new lives, as they enter a ten year indenture contract, after which they can continue as indentures, transition to a normal employment contract or leave the service of Marcus Cornelius Guffin LLC.

They are not informed about everything, however.


Before the transformation, the candidate is expected to appear at Crimson Strat House, where they are given a final chance to duck out. If they do not, they are brought to an empty bed room, where they are asked to undress.

The transformation itself is induced by a transformation tonic developed by Adria Fox. It induces a change on a genetic level, rewriting parts of the individual’s genome to ensure that there are no problems, after which it ensures that the generic changes are expressed, transforming the body over the next six hours, under slight discomfort. While the change could be induced instantly, the longer duration of the transformation has better results on the mental stability of the candidate.

Following the transformation, all new candidates are brought to a common room, where they are given a welcoming speech, their new names and two days to get used to their new bodies. Over the next seven days, the candidate will ingested additional tonics to stabilise the transformation and make it permanent. These tonics also induce gradual changes in the candidates mental state to allow further stabilisation.

Permanent tonic effects:

  • Inhibiting any body disphoria issues, to ensure the candidate accepts their new body completely (commercially avaiable to treat normal body disphoria)
  • Increased sexual drive
  • Removal of sexual inhibitions
  • Reduction of aging to keep the young look as long as possible

There are also a few temporary effects:

  • Increased suggestibility, largely to allow the candidate to more easily identify themselves with their new existence in name, species, role and body.
  • Calming effect, to allow the candidate to more easily adapt to their new environment

Personality Changes

To ensure a good result for the training and a well-rounded Fetish Vixen Servant, the transformation includes many permanent changes to the candidate’s personality.

  • Inhibiting anxiety to a minimum level, to ensure that the candidates mental stability
  • Creation of a friendly and open personality, with an error margin of +- 20 percent in either direction
  • Creation of various strong fetishes, among them latex and bondage
  • Stable and calm personal outlook on life
  • Heightened curiosity towards sexual encounters

But even with these changes, staff and other trainees work to ensure that every Fetish Vixen Servant retains an individual personality.

Other changes are generally normal personality growth after being put in their new environment, and conventional teaching, as well as side effects of other changes. Their reduced anxiety, for example, allows them to more easily call out mistreatment and bigotry, as well as interpret looks directed at them as longing, desire or jealousy, and take it as empowering toward them and their life choices.

Even with those changes, they know their place in a Households hierarchy.


After two days of initial acclimatisation, the new first year trainees are given their uniforms and assigned to a third year trainee, with whom they share a room. This third year trainee is also responsible for their initial training as a maid, safe for the additional classes the first year trainee must take with the permanent teaching staff of Crimson Strat House.

During this first year, the new trainees usually have their first sexual encounters in their new forms, and they are given some initial sexual training to please Masters and Mistresses.

During the second year, trainees are expected to be familiar with the routine of the house and work on their own, though given instruction. The permanent teaching staff continue to train them, as well as further sexual training.

In third year, trainees are given their own first year trainees, whom they are expected to train in much of the basics. They are evaluated based on how they deal with their trainees, and given remedial classes of these evaluations are negative.

In the fourth and final year of training, trainees are transferred from normal maid service to the kitchen, where they are intensely trained in cooking and preparing food, enabling them to work in any kitchen after training finishes.

Upon completing training, the newly fully trained Fetish Vixen Servant is ready to render any service found around a house, as well as full sexual services.

After Training

Following their training period, Fetish Vixen Servants are highly professional household and personal servants that demand a high salary/rent for their future employers. Marcus Cornelius Guffin LLC carefully vets employers to ensure they know how to deal with their new servant, as well as to prevent possible abuse of the servant.

Additionally, all Fetish Vixen Servants are required to inform Crimson Strat House about any abuse by their employers.

Upon entering their new employment, they are either integrated into an existing Household of Fetish Vixen Servants or required to create a new one. In the latter case, the new Head Servant usually ensures that Fetish Vixen Servants sorely staff this new Household. These Households usually have four members, in addition to their Master/Mistress, though there are two Households with ten Fetish Vixen Servants.

In the remaining cases, the Fetish Vixen Servant usually integrates seamlessly into the existing Household.

In the early 2000s, there were attempts to integrate Fetish Vixen Servants into existing conventional Households, but that proved almost impossible, as the existing staff did not accept them, or seen merely as sex toys, rather than the highly professional servants they are.

After Indenture

Following their ten year indenture period, about thirty percent of all Fetish Vixen Servants decide to leave the employ of Marcus Cornelius Guffin LLC. A further twenty percent change to a conventional employment contract, while the remaining fifty percent choose to extend their indenture either by another ten years or indefinitely (there is a 50/50 split in these cases).

One of the main reasons for leaving Marcus Cornelius Guffin LLC is marriage. In forty percent of these cases, it is to their former Master/Mistress, while another twenty percent marry another member of the household and twenty percent someone outside the household. The final twenty percent marry a fellow Fetish Vixen Servant and leave the employ of Marcus Cornelius Guffin LLC.

Of those former employees of Marcus Cornelius Guffin LLC, only five who have married a member of the ‘opposite’ sex have become pregnant.

A lesser reason for leaving Marcus Cornelius Guffin LLC is to become directly employed by their Master/Mistress, usually in direct personal servant roles or other roles where their employer demands undivided loyalty for one reason or another. In 80 percent of these cases, the Fetish Vixen Servant will enter into an indenture with their Master/Mistress.

That is not to say that marriage precludes employment or indenture, but in all these cases the marriage is to another Fetish Vixen Servant. In fact, within the first four years after finishing training, thirty percent of Fetish Vixen Servants marry one another.

But even without marriage, it is common for two, or even more, Fetish Vixen Servants to enter into stable loving and sexual relationships, many of which form between members of a household and usually during the initial indenture period.

Another curiosity is that all Fetish Vixen Servants that leave the employ of Marcus Cornelius Guffin LLC choose to continue wearing their former uniforms, sans the additions denoting their role in the household.

Look & Desctiption

Height170cm (5′ 7″)
Fur ColorationRed-White
Hair ColorRed
Breasts75G (29G)
Waist55cm (21″)
Hips90cm (35″)

All Fetish Vixen Servants are almost visually identical, being shapely female red foxes.

Thanks to the transformation tonic used, all bodily contours, facial musculature and skeleton structures are identical, going as far as the look and layout of the inner organs.

All Vixens are capable of pregnancy, even those that used to be trans-femmes, though their reproductive capabilities are put ‘on hold’ for the initial ten years of their employment/indenture.


The uniform of a Fetish Vixen Servant is almost identical, using the same basic uniform, which is then modified slightly for their role as either maid or kitchen staff.

Basic Uniform

  • Bodysuit made from fully transparent latex, with a thickness of 1mm and covering the body from neck to toes. The body suit is equipped with micro holes on the crotch area, allowing any sexual fluids to easily transfer to the outside.
  • Thick latex collar with integrated D-Rings and a tag, with the wearer’s name on one side and the logo of Marcus Cornelius Guffin LLC on the reverse
  • Simple underbust corset made of 3mm thick black rubber, connected to the collar left, right and the middle of the chest, as well as on the back two points
  • Opera length black latex gloves
  • Thigh high black latex stockings
  • Black rubber 16cm heeled ankle bootees with side zipper
  • Ankle, thigh, waist and upper arm cuffs with integrated D-rings
  • 80cm reinforced latex leash connected to the collar

The following additions are made to this basic uniform, depending on the role of the servant:

MaidFully transparent latex mini skirt
Small white rubber apron
White rubber maid cap
Kitchen StaffLarge white rubber apron

All parts of the uniform are made from either latex or rubber, each alchemically treated to ensure they remain clean and shiny as if freshly cleaned and polished, as well as increasing their durability by a hundred times, preventing common forms of damage to the uniforms. They are also made to be easily removed after work for a shower.

To allow full sexual usability of the Fetish Vixen Servant, touching the crotch and tail hole areas of the uniform temporarily makes the rubbery cover of those areas vanish. This also allows easy use of the toilet facilities.

It is of note that the collar is designed to be a ‘storage collar’ and treated with the appropriate magical effects to store up to ten different outfits. The basic uniform always takes up the first slot, with the second and third slots by the Maid and Kitchen Staff uniforms. Slots four through six are filled with the transparent base body suit, allowing the Master/Mistress of their late household to modify their uniform to their tastes.

Additionally, the collar is a permanent addition to the Fetish Vixen Servants body and cannot be removed, unless it is by decapitation. The name tag is also a permanent attachment to the collar and cannot be removed.

Naming Conventions

All new trainees are given completely new names after their transformations, which includes fully legal name changes, and the removal of all connections to their former identity.

This has led to the creation of specific naming conventions to randomly create new names for the new trainees.

Their new personal names are selected from a list of common and uncommon English female names, with every year sticking to a single initial letter. For example, the initial year 2000 started at ‘B’, with 2020 personal names starting with ‘U’. It is ensured there are no duplicate personal names per year.

The family name is randomly selected from a list of family names that bear a resemblance to ‘fox’, such as Foxx, Foxy, Foxxe or Foxey. Non English family names also in the selection, such as Renarde, Zorra, Fuchs or Reineke.

Well Known Fetish Vixen Servants

There are a few Fetish Vixen Servants that have been or are still well known by the public, in part due to their Master/Mistress.

It is to be noted that due to their reduced anxiety, any current or ‘former’ Fetish Vixen Servant will be comfortable in the public eye.

Betty Foxe and Beverly Renard

Betty Foxe and Beverly Renard, of the first class of Fetish Vixen Servants from 2004, are now in a direct indenture to Electronic Dance Act Collins Davidson. They remain in the public eye thanks to their use as pole/gogo dancers during the performances of Davidson directly on stage next to him, since his Ibiza tenure in 2005/2006. Additionally to their indenture, they are in a ‘marriage’ with Davidson.

During public appearances and presumably in private, they are dressed in red versions of the base uniform for Fetish Vixen Servants.

Their most well known appearance was in 2012, when Davidson worked with the BBC in a symphonic treatment of his music.

Francis Foxy

Francis Foxy is the front woman, lead singer and guitarist of the self-proclaimed ‘3rd wave feminist fun punk answer to the Sex Pistols’, the Red Menace from Leeds, under Virgin Records. They are an all female, all Vixen group of four, with only Francis being a ‘former’ Fetish Vixen Servant, who left the employ of Marcus Cornelius Guffin LLC in 2015.

Francis always appears in her base Fetish Vixen Servant uniform in public, and her band mates follow her lead wearing other forms of rubber/latex Fetish attire.

It is notable that there is no political content in the music of the Red Menace, even though the group are very active participants and activists in 3rd wave feminism and the LGBTQ+ communities.

Red Menace is certainly a target for controversy, especially from 2nd wave feminists. The common response to them by Francis Foxy is usually “I don’t care what frumpy old biddies full of regrets think. I love being a sex object, as it gives me more power than they will ever have. But then, they don’t even know how it feels to be desired by others.”

Francis is married to the drummer of Red Menace, Gabriella Cooper.

Danielle Willesborough, nee Foxx

Danielle Willesborough is a ‘former’ Fetish Vixen Servant, who married the actor Alexander Willesborough, and former 9th Doctor, in 2014.

She is always seen wearing a slightly modified version of her base uniform.

It is of note that Willesborough has not been the Master of Danielle, and that they met during a movie shoot for Black Mirror in 2011.

Clarice Blackthorn, nee Foxie

Clarice Blackthorn is the wife of Dame Janet Blackthorn, 9th Baronet, whom she married in 2013, after several years of service as Fetish Vixen Servant.

As Janet is well known as the first trans-female, pro-kink and pro-sex member of the nobility, she and Clarice are common targets for the Yellow Press, even as they are active in the LGBTQ+ community and support various charities.

Clarice is always seen wearing a slightly modified version of her base uniform.

Ella Foxxe

Ella Foxxe is mainly known for being on the receiving end of a massive lawsuit concerning the Mitchell’s Estate and ownership of several companies from the family of William Mitchell.

Having been a long time Fetish Vixen Servant and then a personal servant with a good relationship with Mitchell, Ella was the recipient of the entire Estate of Mitchell after his death to a stroke in 2017.

Subsequently, she was sued for the Estate by the rest of the family, but the courts upheld the phrasing of the will that stated ‘those parasites won’t see a single penny of my money’. That Ella was constantly referred to as ‘the old man’s sex toy’ by the family in public did not help matters.

Following the law suit, she has founded several charities and is active in the LGBTQ+ community, though she admits it is partially to spite ‘those parasites’.

She is always seen wearing an unmodified base uniform of a Fetish Vixen Servant.