Bio-Cybernetic Androids

Bio-cybernetic Androids are a technology developed during the height of the corporate age, the late 21st and early 22nd centuries, but decades before the development of the Cortical Stack.

Several corporations were responsible for the development of this technology, which combines cybernetic systems, cloned organs and other biological systems, before combining them into an artificial creature. It was made possible by the development of a biological system capable of converting biological food into energy capable of being used by cybernetic systems, allowing a bio-cybernetic android to eat conventional food stuffs.

Bio-cybernetic androids exist in many forms, from the obvious, with visible cybernetic parts, and the inconspicuous, which are covered completely by skin and fur, making it impossible to distinguish them from normal people. This also makes them differ in their price point, as the obvious cybernetic, of various quality points, are comparatively cheaper than the more expansive, inconspicuous models.

The majority of bio-cybernetic androids in the current day are meant to house a cortical stack, acting as a sleeve. Only in some cases is a synthetic sophont housed inside a bio-cybernetic android, as most prefer to exist within larger computer systems, though may use one as a remote.