Idu83 and Lady Kissa


Public Perception

Idu83 is the personal servant of Lady Kissa Zuma, and has been for nearly three centuries. As Lady Kissa is a recluse, Idu83 is the public face of any interactions and communication with Lady Kissa. Lady Kissa trusts her servant implicitly and allows her to act in her stead in personal, public and corporate settings.

As such, even as Idu83 is a perpetual indentures servant in Lady Kissa’s employ, she wields significant influence and power in that role, as long as they align with Lady Kissa’s interests.

Idu83 is highly intelligent, perfectly local and extremely protective of Lady Kissa and her privacy. She does maintain a calm and composed demeanour, with her decisions in Lady Kissa’s name carefully considered and thought through logically. Still, she does possess a playful cheeky side to herself that endears her to others, and at times a well placed lighthearted joke or witty remark in her calm way can diffuse tension between herself and others.

She fulfils her duties with efficiency and precision, showing great competence and reliability. In public interactions on Lady Kissa’s behalf, Idu83 is very diplomatic and approachable, her innate grace making other comfortable around her.

As an indentured service, society does hold up Idu83 as something of an example of the service an indentured servant should strive for, as her exemplary service and dedication to her Mistress allows her a level of autonomy other indentures servants are dreaming of.

This shows itself in the rather well known somewhat controversial intrigue based on the sexual, kinky and fetish exploits Idu83 gets into, something her Mistress not only seems to approve off, but actively supports.

On one hand, this strangely enough gives her her own ‘fan club’ in certain circles, where some individuals try to emulate her, both as a servant and as a sexualised object, while some areas of society has moral concerns, whether or not these exploits are actually consensual or not.

Look and Description

SpeciesBio-Cybernetic Android Zebra
GenderFemale base,
may be equipped with cock & balls
Height183 cm (6′)
Fur Colourationblack/white
Hair Colourationblack/white
OccupationPersonal Servant (perpetual indentures servitude)
Breasts65EE (25EE)
Waist55 cm (22″)
Hips91 cm (36″)
Cock30 cm (12″)

The body Idu83 inhabits is a highly customised and specialised bio-cybernetic anthropoid android zebra, with her cybernetic enhancements easily visible, as her arms and legs are cybernetic in nature.

Her body shares many characteristics with various designs of cybernetic sex doll androids or specialised sex doll sleeves for prostitutes. As such, her body is shaped to be highly attractive to others, with large breasts, a thin waist and wide hips. She does have a hidden attachment point in her crotch that can be used to attach a fully functional 30 cm equine cock with added balls. She is fully capable of enjoying every sensation of sexual nature, and fully able to achieve a climax, while being as messy as wished.

Various cybernetic parts of her body have some form of internal illumination, as have her eyes, all of which are usually emitting a warm, mellow orange glow, reflecting Baidu’s calm, friendly and steady personality.

Idu83 always wears a specialised body harness and collar, signifying her nature as indentures servant. Her actual outfit varies, based on the occasion, though she does show a great preference for outfits made of latex, be they everyday outfits, elegant dresses, sexy outfits for clubbing or sexualised outfits for fetish and kinky outings.

Idu83’s Secrets

While the public persona she shows to the world is correct in many ways, Idu83 does hide several secrets.

First, Idu83 internal systems have been modified to carry not only a single Cortical Stack, but two, with the second one belonging to Lady Kissa. The modification had been done over two centuries earlier, after Lady Kissa removed herself from the public eye.

However, this is not a forced situation, as Idu83 and Lady Kissa had planned this for about fifty years, with Kissa wishing to live vicariously through Idu83, sharing the same memories and experience with her servants.

Secondly, Idu83 is actually a fork of Lady Kissa’s mind state that had been created nearly three centuries earlier, in an attempt to create an Editor. As the device had only been designed to manipulate a single mind state, Lady Kissa decided to modify it to become the perfect submissive personal servant and sex toy for herself, before placing it in a bio-cybernetic android body designed to resemble her favourite animal, the zebra.

For a third one, Many of the systems of Idu83 are military grade and bleeding edge, with a number of combat mods that allow Idu83 to act as a highly trained fighting and killing machine, should the need arise. So far, this has proven necessary twice. Once in an infiltration of the Zuma compound with the aim to abduct or kill Lady Kissa, and once in an open day kidnapping attempt.

Idu83 & Lady Kissa

As Idu83 carries Lady Kissa’s cortical stack, the two are in constant, continuous dialog with each other, sharing thoughts, ideas and even emotions seamlessly. This ensures that both of them are always aligned with one another and can respond to situations as needed, as well as providing emotional support to one another, creating a deep emotional bond through their shared memories and experiences, even if Idu83 is the active participant in many of these memories and experiences.

Kissa does allow Idu83 an unprecedented level of autonomy in their relationship, but is ultimately in complete control, as she can easily and seamlessly take control over their shared body, locking Idu83’s cortical stack out completely, if needed. As it stands however, Lady Kissa prefers to subtly influence and dominate her servant, bringing both of them great pleasure.

Their coexistence in a single body is not without tension, however, these are usually resolved quickly through dialogue and compromise. This is due to the deep trust and heavy mutual respect to each other.

If Lady Kissa takes control over their shared body, all the warm orange lights on their body changes to a vibrant, intense blue colour and the body language shift from that of a servant to that of an assertive dominant personality with a sharp wit and a passionate intensity, with her presence becoming powerful and commanding.

However, as Lady Kissa and Idu83 have learned each others personality traits and mannerisms, they can perfectly mimic the personality of the other, for any length of time. As such, for those outside the know, the change between the warm orange and vibrant blue would just mean a cosmetic change.

Lady Kissa Zuma

Lady Kissa Zuma is the sole child of her parents and as such the heir to Zuma Technology Solutions, a high tech company that builds the machines that are used to build modern technology.

Public Perception

Lady Kissa Zuma is an enigmatic individual to the general public, as she has pulled away from the public eyes to become a complete recluse, who, at most, shows herself as a virtual avatar. and usually communicates through digital means, rather then acting in public.

Instead, all dealings she has go through her extremely trusted and competent indentures servant Idu83, who has in many cases taken over her public facing ‘jobs’, something she does with great competency.

This of course leads to many rumours about Lady Kissa, from being actually dead, over living out her life in an eternal VR bliss, to having taken over the body of her most trusted servant, Idu83, for whatever reason.

However, high society and the tech industry still feel the power and influence of Lady Kissa, even if she is hiding herself away.

Lady Kissa’s Secret

In fact, Lady Kissa, does reside within the body of Idu83, however, she keeps herself in the background, preferring to let Kissa act and then live vicariously through their shared memories and experiences.

In the over two centuries since they started to share the same body, that of Idu83, Lady Kissa has learned to perfectly mimic her servant, sometimes taking over for her without anyone even noticing.

As she usually stays in the mental background, Lady Kissa can keep up her work to keep her business empire afloat, communicating with and influencing the activities of her company, which she continues to do successfully.

However, her dealing have necessitated to bring in some trusted individuals into the secret that Idu83 and Kissa share the same body and that Kissa is always present when Idu83 is around. These trusted people, play some supportive roles in the secret and allow further discrete communication channels throughout the company and the business world, as well as society.

So far, none of these very few people have broken the trust Idu83 and Kissa have in them.


Lady Kissa is an emphatic pansexual, willing to experience everything at least once, though she has developed a taste for several fetishes over time, many of which she share with Idu83.

One of these fetishes is latex, which leads to Idu83 preferring to wear outfits made of the material.