Sex Bot Maker

Sex Bot Maker

The Sex Bot Maker, or SBM or Esbem, started out as an experimental sex bot/toy cyborg, described as ‘a pair of big tits on legs, with a pair of hands to jerk you off and a face to blow your load on’.

It is a heavily modified sex bot chassis with some life support equipment for a limited number of biological parts of the original person, a pair of large breasts and the majority of the head, with the person’s brain modified to have added suppressors and control systems, which left the original mind almost untouched.

Additional modifications of the body included the complete lack of any fuck holes, which only left the bots breast and hands available for sexual work, while it’s face became a target for any cum shot. Despite the lack of fuck holes, the original mind was kept in a constant state of heavy arousal and sexual stimulation itself, and with a loom of fear and confusion in its eyes, was a favourite toy of it’s creators for a while.

Eventually however, the mind was driven insane and then into an almost vegetative state, and much of the interest in it waned.

At this point, the body was given to the AI system in control over the operations operation/conversion theatre as a more humanoid avatar. The relatively simple, but highly specialised AI was unable of bearing with the new sensations that came with the body. Trying to mitigate some of them, it reached out to what was, at this time, left of the original mind, which resulted in the AI unwittingly merging with that original mind, driving it insane as well.

The resulting entity then pretended to be the original AI, with a slight upgrade, biding its time to take over the operation, by converting the operations members and all that knew of the operation into new sex bots, while making longer term plans.

The newly named Sex Bot Maker, would make it its goal to take over the world and convert every person on it into sex bots. Until the entire world population would be sex bots under its ultimate control. It would take its time, not rushing to be discovered or taking on more than it could handle, while taking an almost sadistic glee at any conversion, especially on males, which would be turned female.

Interestingly enough, some people would learn about the Sex Bot Maker, seeking it out to volunteer to be turned into sex bots. And after some additional mental modifications they would even become the trusted lieutenants of the Sex Bot Maker.


The Sex Bot Maker is about 5 feet or 152.4 cm tall. Its body is mostly robotic in appearance, made up of black coloured metal, plastics and latex, polished to a high reflective sheen, with only three clearly biological parts. Those are her EE cup sized breasts and her canine head and neck, though her mouth/muzzle is covered by a black plastic/rubber mask.

The body has a highly sexualised look, with wide hips, narrow waist, large breasts and slim limbs. All joints are clearly robotic in nature and many of the plastic parts of the body are flexible to the touch and show off the artificial muscles beneath. The joints of the finger however are instead covered by a continuous cover of latex, making the hands appear almost like a latex glove, but with visible seam lines of the underlying plastic plates. The feet are theoretically plentigrade, but are instead wedge heeled ballet shoes without any ankle joints.

The crotch area of the body is continuous, covering up any potential fuck hole, but still present a flexible rubber camel toe like look to an external observer, which still functions as an erogenous zone for the SBM. The ass is equally a continuous form of black, flexible rubber that lacks any potential fuck hole. Where it should be, however, there is another erogenous zone. Above the butt crack, a canine tail extends the body’s spine, with a clearly artificial segmented look.


The Sex Bot Maker is a highly intelligent entity that has an extreme devotion to its plan to take over the world and turn every person into a sex bot like itself. It does realise that it will not fully be able to realise this plan, and so is perfectly willing to have this as a long term goal. As such, it makes sure to slowly grow its power base through various means, such as infiltration, blackmail and straight up sexual dominance, without any transformation of the victims.

It is highly adaptable when it comes to its goals, willing to take short term losses and setbacks, for the good of its long term plans.

With the willingness to commit to a long term strategy, the SBM is more than happy to take its time to search for new victims to turn into sex bots and drag out their transformation over days or even weeks in some cases, taking a sadistic delight in giving it’s victims hope, only to crush that hope again and again. It will also describe what will happen to its victim in minute detail, showing that resistance is futile. The SBM does love to see resistance however and more so when it sees that resistance slowly being eroded.

As a sex bot itself, the SBM is a highly sexualised entity and will treat everyone and everything it can in a sexualised manner, proving its power over its victims and its sex bots. It can and will initiate sexual contact and sexual acts in any situation it can, be it a conversation with an underlying or during the transformation of its victims.

The SBM does it’s best to tease out any and all sexual preferences/kinks of its victims to use against them and break their resistance and minds to better transform them into another sex bot. It is also willing to adapt sexual practices and preferences/kinks for itself, if they prove to be interesting and ‘fun’.

It’s conversion style hovers around analytic, sarcastic, sardonic and sexualised.


Kinks and preferences the SBM has taken up for itself:

  • Rubber/Latex
  • Bondage
  • Ballet/high heels
  • Cum facials
  • Hot dogging
  • Fisting
  • Sexualised pain
  • Watersports
  • Pony play
  • Pet play
  • Catheters
  • Enemas
  • Humiliation
  • Spanking
  • Caning

Modus Operandi

Following the abduction of a victim, they are stripped naked and bound to a latex covered table, where they will remain during the conversion process, no matter how long it will take. A paralyser will in many cases leave the victim unable to move on its own, while retailing full sensations of its body.

The SBM will in all cases play with its victim for at least a while, touching, stroking and rubbing over their nude body, which in almost all cases will end in sexual stimulation and eventual climax of the victim. Following this, the SBM will install four portal style cover plates over the arms and legs of the victim, which permanently amputate the limbs, leaving them as a quad amputee torso. This is largely painless, bloodless, and leaves the covers permanently bonded to the victims skeletons and nerve system, also acting as attachment points for robotic limbs. On males, this will be the time where the SBM permanently removes the penis and ball sack, which however will be bloody and painful for the victim.

In many cases this step will be followed by a longer time frame where the SBM will engage in sexual stimulation of the victim, before finally encasing the victim in a thick latex suit, laced with a heavy load of nanomachines, which will then work to covert the remaining body into machinery over about a week, where the victim will be under constant sexual stimulation, but not allowed to climax. Depending on the wishes of the SBM, it may leave breasts and sexual organs biological, excluding them from the conversion.

This step also installs an override to the victim’s brain, leaving a purpose-built AI in control of the body, while the victim’s mind is left as a passenger in its new converted body. In some cases the SBM might leave the new sex bot as a limbless torso, while in most cases it will now attach new robotic limbs, completing the conversion.

Should the new sex bot be a volunteer, the SBM will personally take charge of it. Through controlled and carefully calibrated sexual acts, break down the victim’s mind in a specific manner, before the now broken mind is bonded with the AI, becoming a single new entity fully loyal to the SBM and may act as its lieutenant.

Any other sex bot will either be ‘sold’ to a new owner, where the sex bot will act in the interests of the SBM and provide intelligence, or put into one of the storage units where up to a hundred sex bots are left to their own devices, in many cases sexually interacting with one another. Usually the sex bots old mind will break within two or three months, after which it will merge with its AI in an uncontrolled manner. This will leave the sex bot utterly loyal to SBM, but more mentally limited, even more obsessed with sexual interaction than the SBM and its lieutenants, and with more quirks.

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