Jenerikku Robotto TY Series Pleasure Toys

The TY series of Jenerikku Robotto Pleasure Toys are some of the most advanced and well reviewed pleasure robots available on the open market, a clear step up from the earlier DL series of pleasure robots.

At the same time Jenerikku has managed to reduce the cost per unit by 25% by replacing the specialised, and failure prone, bespoke skeleton and motoric systems of the DL series with more generic systems by Daihatsu and General Electric respectively. This allows for greater repairability compared to the DL series and better customisation options.

They have however retained the high quality rubber synthetic skin and the specialised main core of the DL series and improved on the with the TY series.

They have also upgraded the previous full AI core system with a partial sophont processing system that is based heavily on actual mind states, though heavily modified and extended for use in the TY series.

Legal Disclaimer: All official mind state donors receive 2% of the annual profits made by the use of their modified mind state in a TY unit.

As expected by a Jenerikku pleasure robot, they are all equipped with the latest in pleasure libraries, and their partial sophont systems allow for near life like responses and a limited self actuation and awareness, which positively enhance the experience of the TY series.

The CAT model of the TY series is by far the most well received of the models produced and has outsold the next most popular FOX model by twenty times.

The generic CAT model, at a body height of 160 cm, weighs only 50 kg, a vast improvement when compared to the 75 kg of the DL series, which might explain part of the appeal.

All models of the TY series are equipped with the usual quality physical restrainment attachments as other Jenerikku pleasure robots, but vastly improve on the available software, in part thanks to its more advanced central processing system.

Legal Disclaimer: There are rumours that Jenerikku makes use of illegal ‘ghost dubbing’ and other such techniques to further reduce cost on the central processing system, but all mind states used in the TY series are acquired through legal means and are heavily restricted. Jenerikku has taken legal steps against the originators of those rumours.

It is of special note that, due to their semi-sophont nature, the central processing systems of the TY series are better capable of following abstract orders and that is reflected in the core directives of the TY series, which is human readable, rather than complicated code.

  • A robot toy has to ensure that none of its actions injure or otherwise endanger its owner.
  • A robot toy has to follow any order its owner gives it, unless it interferes with the first directive.
  • A robot toy has to ensure its own integrity, unless it interferes with the first two directives.

The knowledgeable reader may see similarities to the Three Laws of Robotics here, which is intended. However several measures are taken to ensure that no loopholes of these directives can be taken.

There are also several minor directives that add to the feel and use of the TY series of pleasure toys.

  • A toy has to always refer to itself as ‘toy’ or ‘this unit’, as well third person singular (it/it’s).
  • A toy has to always refer to its owner as ‘owner’ or ‘master’/’mistress’.
  • A toy has to follow it’s owners sexual orders without hesitation.
  • A toy may not experience a climax, unless its owner gives the permission.
  • A toys obedience is its highest pleasure.
  • The owners pleasure is the toys pleasure.

The toys come standard with high quality equipment, like naturalistic pleasure holes that can be configured for any texture the owner may like, and high capacities for insertion that always ensures to satisfy the user to its best ability. The rubber synthetic skin has a naturalistic give to it, while having a rubber texture and shine to it. Any secondary sexual characteristics are likewise as naturalistic as possible, with configurable size and shape.

For this all TY series pleasure robots are equipped with nano-repair and modification facilities, enabling full self repair capabilities, given time, and self modification abilities to best please it owner.

Legal Disclaimer: Claims that rogue nano-repair systems have converted any person into a TY series unit are patently false and any mention will be legally disputed by Jenerikku.

Additionally to the TY series pleasure robot units, interested customers may purchase a TY series unit sans its central control system to either install their own preferred software or to house their own or another fully sophont mindstate.

Legal Disclaimer: Any rumors that the security systems of TY series units are faulty and can be used to fully shackle a mind state to become industinguishable from a TY unit central control system are false and any mention of them will be engaged legally by Jenerikku.

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