The RGB Sisters


Orientationpansexual (female preference)
Height205cm (6′ 9″)
Fur ColorationBlack with coloured highlights
Hair ColorBlack with coloured highlights
OccupationQuantumagical Craftsperson


Ruby was born on March 25, 1985, in rural Kansas, USA. Nothing else is known about her personal life before she appeared with her chosen sisters on the Munich fetish scene in 2008, safe for studying Quantumagical Engineering in the Univeristät München from 2004 to 2007.

Ruby is a recipient of the ‘Neues Leben’ program of the German federal government, which closes her previous life to any inquiry, as well as receiving German citizenship.


Garnet was born on June 5, 1985, in the Ivory Coast. Nothing else is known about her personal life before she appeared with her chosen sisters on the Munich fetish scene in 2008, safe for studying Quantumagical Engineering in the Univeristät München from 2004 to 2007.

Garnet is a recipient of the ‘Neues Leben’ program of the German federal government, which closes her previous life to any inquiry, as well as receiving German citizenship.


Beryl was born on November 8, 1986, in Traunstein, Bavaria, Germany. Nothing else is known about her personal life before she appeared with her chosen sisters on the Munich fetish scene in 2008, safe for studying Quantumagical Engineering in the Univeristät München from 2004 to 2007.

Beryl is a recipient of the ‘Neues Leben’ program of the German federal government, which closes her previous life to any inquiry.

The Sisters

The Sisters are not willing to share a lot of their previous lives. What they are willing to disclose is that they met in 2005 at the Universität München during the summer semester, and hit it off well, as all of them were studying for a Bachelor of Science for Quantumagical Alteration.

They found that they shared a case of body dysphoria that had led them to Quantumagical Engineering and their chosen fields. During this time, both Ruby and Garnet decided to remain in Germany and apply for German citizenship.

During 2005, they also discovered several shared interests and fetishes. They also began developing the goal of using their learned skills to alter themselves, with their goal of a shared body shape and look, and even a largely shared personality developing over the next two years. During the time, they also adopted each other as siblings, later to become sisters on front of the law.

In 2007, they finished their studies and scored high in their chosen areas during the finals. Ruby specialised in quantummagical alteration of mental states, Garnet in quantummagical alteration of biological organisms, with further specialisation in humans, and Beryl in quantummagical alteration of non-biological matter.

Together, their specialisations allowed them to design their own new bodies and permanently change themselves. This coincided with the completion of their ‘Neues Leben’ paperwork and their new identities.

In 2008, they first entered the Munich fetish scene and immediately made a splash in their looks and dedication to the scene. By 2009, they had begun to sell their services as Quantummagical Engineers for various alterations, whether temporary or permanent, before opening the fetish bar and club ‘Schickeria’ in Munich Schwabing-West, where they also had a small counter for their Quantumagical services.

Look & Description

Breasts68EE (27EE)
Waist55cm (22″)
Hips94cm (37″)

Ruby, Garnet and Beryl are identical black rubber skinned dragons, with their only difference being their chosen pastel neon highlight colour. For Ruby, it is pastel red, for Garnet pastel green, and for Beryl, it is pastel blue.

The highlight colours always glow slightly in a bioluminescent way, even visible in daylight. They also have a quantummagical inverted Tetraeder glowing in their highlight colour floating over their heads. This Tetraeder ensures they are always visible in the perfect lighting conditions to show off their bodies.

Technically, they are nude at all times, as their skin has been altered into living smooth latex, which can keep itself clean and at a perfect shine. The only items that can be considered clothing are their boots and latex elbow protectors, as well as thin collars around their necks. Due to their looks, it is hard to realise this, however, and many initially think they are wearing suits.

Additionally, their collars act as a high end Item of Nutrition, allowing them to go without food or drink for up to three months, and not need to visit the bathroom. It also means they can do with as little as two hours of sleep per day. They each own two of the collars, allowing them to easily and quickly switch them and recharge over the next three months. This does however not prevent them from eating or drinking for recreational purposes.


Generally, it can be said that the personalities of the three sisters are 65 to 75 percent identical, which has been confirmed by the sisters and was a stated goal of their body and mental alteration.

As such, they share an outlook on life, the same fetishes and many mannerisms. They are publicly pansexual, but with a clear preference for females, as well as generally dominant, though at any given day there is a 1 in 3 chance that two will act submissively towards the third.

They share a strong exhibitionistic nudism, proudly and confidently going out in public in broad daylight, including to the English Garden, the Olympia Park or the Isar shore, either alone, together or with various fetish pets. Though most people do not realise the sisters are nude, by the way their bodies look. Sometimes, they love to openly have sexual encounters in public spaces. At least in their neighbourhood, no one bats an eye when they go out.

Additionally, they do not have a car, using Munich’s good public transport system or bicycles instead, which feeds nicely into their exhibitionism, as they are always visible like that.

For situations that need discretion, they use of temporary alteration of their body into a more conventional shape.

They share language skills, are fluid speakers, and are literate in English, German and French. They speak English with a Mid-Atlantic accent, German with a Bavarian accent, and French with an Ivory Coast accent.

In general, the non-identical parts of their personalities focus on things like different tastes in music, art, movies, novels and things like that, as well as those parts of their memories they chose to retain, as they seem to have deliberately removed huge chunks of their personal memories during their transformation to their current forms.

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