Quantumagical Artifacts

There are various quantumagical artefacts, some one off devices, others produced in large quantities.

Device of Nutrition

The generic ‘Device of Nutrition’ was originally developed in the late 1930s by the British Royal Air Force for use by their pilots, in case they were shot down in combat over the sea or jungle.

Worn on the body, with tight skin contact, a ‘Device of Nutrition’ can be made in many forms, usually in simple jewellery like objects, from rings over bracelets to chains.

In their original design, they were developed to allow the bail out packs to be shrunk down massively, by eliminating food and water rations, as the ‘Device of Nutrition’ would keep the pilot hydrated and fed for up to two weeks at a time. It would also take care of the waste produced by the pilot during this time. Additionally, many of these devices could be set to reduce the pilots’ need for sleep to two hours per day.

While meant for survival needs, the first main use of the ‘Device of Nutrition’ on a large scale was during the Battle of Britain in The Second Great War, where British Spitfire pilots wore their devices to cut down on their reaction time to German air raids.

Today, ‘Devices of Nutrition’ are also used outside the military in civilian and private use cases.