Nubis Shaheen

SpeciesEgyptian Jackal
Height1.89m (6′ 2″)
Fur ColorationN.A.
Hair ColorN.A.
OccupationPartner of Nubia Shaheen

Born on March 15th, 1974 in Eidhoven, Netherlands, as Henrik de Waals to Wilhelm and Andrea de Waals, a civil engineer and housewife respectively.

In 1978, his sister Anna was born, and as a good brother he decided to protect her. However, in 1983, both Henrik and Anna contracted pertussis, aka whooping cough, which proved fatal for Anna, due to the temporary lack of the medicine needed to treat it. The death of Anna led to his mother sliding into a strong depression, with his father trying to drown himself in work.

Another medical situation came during Henrik’s puberty, when he suffered from testicular torsion, a condition where the spermatic cord (from which the testicle is suspended) twists, cutting off the blood supply to the testicle. The case was bad enough that it required a complete orchiectomy to remove both testicles. This meant he could not get any children, and regularly takes testosterone.

This made Henrik want to become a doctor, but his initial interest was pulled away from medicine after an encounter with a C64 at a friend’s house. He would eventually get his own C64 and use it to escape his family life. This meant that Henrik would eventually study computer science at the Eidhoven University of Technology.

While studying for a bachelor’s degree in computer science, he discovered the World Wide Web. He also met Piet Hendrikson, with whom he would come up with the idea of InterPharma, an online shop for pharmaceuticals, mainly medicine, to make it more easily available for others. This largely came from remembering his sister’s death from a temporary lack of medicine.

InterPharma was founded in 1997 and the two partners were able to drum up a few investors and hire some staff to begin working on the project. In 1998, Nubia Shaheen became one of the investors.

When the Dot Com Bubble burst in 2000, InterPharma was hit hard, and the majority of investors dropped out, leaving Nubia Shaheen as the major investor. She approached InterPharma in August, offering to completely take over the company, as she believed in the mission of the project, largely due to her own rare medical condition. For the talks, Nubia invited one of the people from InterPharma to Cannes.

It was Henrik who decided to go, partially to get away from the bad atmosphere in the office.

When he met Nubia for the first time, he was initially stunned, as she was dressed in the first version of her ‘white jackal suit’ at the time. The two hit it off famously, and bonded over their shared birthday, their love for the band Radiohead, and their excitement for their new album Kid A, slated for October. While they did work out a solution for InterPharma to become a privately owned company, with Nubia as the sole owner, this relationship was not the only one that grew out of these meetings in Cannes.

Henrik and Nubia would develop a longer-ranged relationship, during which Nubia introduced Henrik into the fetish community, and he found himself sharing many of the same fetishes and kinks as Nubia. By 2001, he tried to find ways to visit her in Cannes more and more. This was made easier when InterPharma was renamed AnubiPharma and opened a new office in Cannes, while keeping the old offices in Eidhoven. Henrik moved to Cannes and started to date Nubia regularly. By 2003, he moved in with her and delved deeper and deeper into the same fetishes as Nubia.

On June 13th, 2005, Henrik and Nubia finally tied the knot, marrying in a civil court, as both were atheists. Henrik also used this to legally change his name to Nubis Shaheen, taking his new wife’s name and a new legal name, making the power dynamic between the two clear. During the festivities for the newly weds with friends, he finally took a quantumagical transformation potion, changing his species to become an Egyptian jackal like his wife.

They carefully planned the general body shape and height beforehand, as well as his new fully body latex outfit, so that he would look like a male version of Nubia in it.

The marriage did not change much for Nubis at AnubiPharma for a while, but he decided to retire from the company in 2009, in the wake of the sudden formation of Nubia’s harem.

Since then, he has rarely been seen separately from Nubia, and friends, and the harem, all comment on the loving relationship the two share.

Look & Description

Penis22cm (9″) canine

Before their marriage, Nubia and Nubis had planned to go for a deliberate partner look. To this end, Nubis had himself transformed into what can be best described as Nubis, has she been male. They share a general body shape and their height.

On top of that, he is always seen wearing a male and black version of the fully body covering white heavy rubber insulation suit Nubia is wearing.

A speciality of the suit is the penis sheath, which puts his penis on permanent erect display, partially through the catheter sound and partially with chemical means. One feature of the sheath is that while the urine is directed through a small tube and into a catheter connector, any ejaculate can freely come through the tip. Since he lacks testicles, there is no need for a ball sheath.

Temporary Placeholder

Outfit Design

  • 1.5 mm thick black heavy rubber fully body suit with only the face left free. Integrated anal sheath, designed to be anatomically correct, hidden under a two way crotch zipper. Additional integration of a catheter and enema tube connector also hidden away by the zipper. The suit also contains a sheath for his canine penis, which is permanently kept erect, largely by chemical means.
  • Transparent black catheter bag strapped to left or right thigh with bronze rubber straps. (optional)
  • Completely sealed black and bronze Jackal head mask helmet with corrugated tubes going to a backpack that massively filters any air she is breathing, basically removing any and all particulates. Rubber mane covering the back of the helmet. An integrated straw in the muzzle area allows the consumption of water, drinks and liquid nutrient paste, screened to be free of any allergens.
  • Upper body/chest bondage harness
  • Various bronze and black rubber jewellery and bondage equipment.


While his wife Nubia is shaped in large part by her medical condition, Nubis himself is shaped by a more conventional, but unhappy childhood in a household which lost a child, and the resulting effects on his parents.

This has turned Nubis into something that most would call a hopeless romantic, and forced him to seek out the love missing from his home after his sister’s death. Before meeting Nubia, his dating and love life had been hampered by his lack of testicles, as it put off most dates once they found out and broke up with him. This left him cautious about engaging in relationships.

Once Nubia showed interest in him and did not mind his ‘disability’, as long as he could still perform, and perform he did well, he only latched on to Nubia harder. In combination with his inherent romanticism, Nubia in turn held onto Nubis as hard as she could, and by the time they moved in together for the first time, they had developed a positive mutual dependency.

Nubis is also willing to experiment with everything, whether in fetish and kink, or in more conventional things. This made it easy for Nubia to pull him into her fetish and kink circles, though it might be that he developed almost identical fetishes and kinks to Nubia purely because he did not want to disappoint her, which does not make them any less deep and heartfelt.

Generally, Nubis has a switchy personality, and is equally at home in the submissive and dominant roles, especially in regards to his relation to Nibua. At the same time, he is utterly devoted to his wife and is more likely to follow her suggestions than not. This devotion might make him possessive of her, but simultaneously he can and does give her free space. This extends easily to sexual and fetish encounters with other people, which he will happily join, but only if Nubia asks him to. Outside of this, he remains loyal to Nubia, no matter the mode he is in, be it dominant or submissive.

Coming back to his romantic streak, he utterly adores the idea of him, his wife, and the harem to cuddle in one massive pile, perhaps even watching a sappy movie.

Fetishes and Kinks