Nubia Shaheen

SpeciesEgyptian Jackal
Height1.89m (6′ 2″)
Fur ColorationN.A.
Hair ColorN.A.
OccupationOwner of AnubiPharma

Born on March 15th, 1974 in Cairo, Egypt, Nubia Shaheen is the daughter of Mohamed Shaheen, owner of Shaheen International, and his wife Zarah.

Nubia could generously be described as ‘sickly’ child, as she was not only born an albino, but also with a severely limited immune system, which also led to developing many allergies, including one to her own fur. As such, she spent her childhood in a condition that could best be described as a clean room, where everything went in had to be disinfected and hypoallergenic. Only thanks to the wealth of the Shaheen family and its connection to the Egyptian government, Nubia survived adulthood.

Her mother complicated her childhood, who saw Nubia’s condition as a punishment for some transgression of another from Allah, something her father tried his best to counter. So while she seldom saw her mother, her father was a regular presence in her rooms. He certainly tried to give Nubia the best education he could get her, to satisfy and nurture her curiosity and intelligent mind. He even went as far as teaching her everything he knew about controlling a business.

While Nubia grew up to be an intelligent young woman, her mother tried her best to find a ‘match’ for her daughter to get her out of the house, so that she would not have to live with Allah’s punishment every day in her daughter. She eventually found a ‘match’ in 1994 and attempted to force a marriage, but failed when the surprisingly independent Nubia outright stated she would not be the wife of anyone who only looked at her in pity. This led to an open break between Nubia and her mother, and Zarah demanded Mohamed throw out their daughter, going as far as ‘disowning’ her.

Mohamed tried to sooth both of them, but failed. Partially, this was due to Nubia wanting to get out, even if she needed to wear a garment that insulated her from everything. She wanted to see the world and go her own way. In the end, Mohamed believed it would be a good idea to separate his wife and daughter. Rather than cut Nubia off, he transferred 50 million US$ to her, knowing the needs of his daughter.

Nubia, now cut loose and allowed to travel, decided to visit Europe and within a short time, got ‘stuck’ in Cannes, having fallen in love with the city, buying a small house and modifiying it for her needs. After moving in, she decided to cut most of her ties to her family, largely due to her continued problems with her mother, but also thanks to initially believing herself to be homosexual. Only later she would realise that she was pansexual, with a preference for females. There was also a growing disillusionment with Islam, which had forced her mother away from her and not believing that any god could be so callous as to allow her to live with her condition. She would eventually become an atheist during this time.

Having cut her ties, this was the first time she showed her business acumen, investing in a few smaller companies around France and Europe, most of them in the medical sector, to be able to continue to live on her own.

It was 1996, when she first came into contact with the latex fetish community, much to her own surprise. This allowed her to discover that she now had a way to ditch her old ‘insulation garments’, allowing her to wear a body covering latex suit, with more normal clothing over it, though she quickly dispensed with the normal clothing, sorely dressing in latex. She also had her first sexual encounters during this time, with various one night stands inside the latex fetish community.

Around 1998, she got interested in a company from Eidhoven, which was part of the Dot Com Bubble at the time, attempting to build an online outlet for pharmaceuticals, InterPharma. From her own condition and her interest in other people with other rare conditions, she was interested in making access to pharmaceuticals simpler, and the World Wide Web was a possible way to get it done. While the website did launch, it was caught in the Dot Com Bubble as it burst, and InterPharma was close to declaring bankrupt. Nubia stepped in, buying out all other investors and taking full ownership of InterPharma.

The first contact with InterPharma also led to her first meeting with Henrik de Waals, one of the cofounders of the company. Nubia entered into a full time romantic relationship with him by 2001, and he moved in with her in 2003. The power dynamic between the two became clear when they married in civil court in 2005, and he changed his name to Nubis Shaheed, and his species to Egyptian Jackal.

While the initial idea was good, InterPharma closed its website before the end of the Dot Com Bubble, making many in the business believe that the company went under, while in reality, Nubia demanded a complete remodel and rebuild to make it better. By early 2001, InterPharma was renamed AnubiPharma and relaunched in June.

By 2007, AnubiPharma had expanded from Europe into the Middle East and North America, with the Financial Times comparing the company with Amazon. As the 2008 Financial Crisis hit, AnibuPharma was able to buy Ratiopharm GmbH in Germany, a company producing generic pharmaceuticals and OTC drugs.

By the mid 2010s, Nubia Shaheen was considered to be worth 2 billion Euro, with AnubiPharma worth over 15 billion.

While the owner of AnibuPharma, she is not the CEO, though the CEO does answer to her.

With her wealth, Nubia bought a large estate, the Maison Égyptienne,  near Cannes in 2006, which she converted to be useable by her in her condition, with internal facilities that could be used to produce high end integrated circuits. But even so, she rarely, if ever, takes off the specially designed full body rubber suit she is wearing.

Also, beginning in 2007, she took in a group of women who were as heavily into rubber as herself as servants. However within two years these servants had formed something that could be called a harem, with its desciples all but forming a cult around Nubia, the Harem Égyptienne, worshipping the ground she walked on.

Look & Description

Breasts67DD (26DD)
Waist63cm (25″)
Hips91cm (36″)

Nubia has deliberately decided to wear an outfit that is heavily inspired by her Egyptian heritage. Being a jackal, she decided to take the image of Anubis and turn it into a white heavy rubber figure. Due to her medical condition, the suit completely covers up her body, not allowing any part of her to be exposed to the outside.

Outfit Design

  • 1.5 mm thick white heavy rubber fully body suit with only the face left free. Integrated anal and vaginal sheathes, designed to be anatomically correct, hidden under a two way crotch zipper. Additional integration of a catheter and enema tube connector also hidden away by the zipper.
  • Transparent white catheter bag strapped to left or right thigh with bronze rubber straps. (optional)
  • Completely sealed white and bronze Jackal head mask helmet with corrugated tubes going to a backpack that massively filters any air she is breathing, basically removing any and all particulates. Rubber mane covering the back of the helmet. An integrated straw in the muzzle area allows the consumption of water, drinks and liquid nutrient paste, screened to be free of any allergens.
  • Body shaping white and bronze rubber rubber corset without fixed boning, it shapes her torso and adds support to the breasts, while allowing the full range of motion. It is connected to a collar with a blue glowing gem in its centre.
  • Various bronze and white rubber jewellery.


Nubia’s personality is varied and mostly based around her and others reaction to her medical condition.

In general, she is a dominant and in parts domineering personality, but with a sense of inferiority. The former can be traced to her relationship with her father and his willingness to do almost everything for her, while the latter is caused by her mother and lack of positive relationships with her. A part of the domineering personality is an attempt to cope with the feeling of inferiority.

On the other hand l, she does revel in the sensation of being bound and helpless, but only when she is in overall control of the situation.

That she has embraced her harem and its disciples have set around her is another way she copes with the sense of inferiority. However, she is aware of this and makes a conscious effort not to let herself dragged into fully ‘drinking the Cool Aid’ herself, though she does take full advantage of her harem.

What can be called positive part of her personality is her dedication to ensure that other people with rare diseases or medical conditions get the help they need. This includes not only the Anubis Foundation, which supports research into these conditions, but also the use of Ratiofarm to develop and produce the drugs needed to treat these conditions for a low price.

When it comes to her own condition, she is extremely stubborn and always looking for ways to deal better with it. This comes from her early childhood, when she heard she would not live long and decided she would live as long as she could. Already she has lived several times longer than any doctor had expected.

Additionally to any conventional medical treatment, she also receives regular quantumagical treatments that aim to prolong her life and even reduce her biological age. And as far as can be said, these latter treatments are successful in that she is biologically aged 25 years.

Another positive aspect of her personality is her protectiveness when it comes to her husband and her disciples, though sometimes it does slide in possessiveness. Concerning her husband, she does not mind him being with other women, be it of her harem or others, as long as she can watch. On the other hand, she also expects the same of her husband.

Fetishes & Kinks

Since Nubia has discovered latex for herself, partially to deal with her condition, she has developed a high dependence on her fetishes. This is to such a degree that she is unable to develop further close relationships with anyone not into these things, but simultaneously an attempt to get others as deep into these fetishes and kinks, something she was successful with her harem.

The most obvious of her fetishes is latex and rubber in all their forms, followed by gas masks and total enclosure in rubber and latex. To this comes a heavy interest in all forms of bondage.

The domineering part of her personality is also drawn to all forms of control, be it breath control, orgasm control or denial. This extends not only to any submissive, but also to herself.

Another avenue of control is toilet control, specifically by catheters and enemas, with the former informing a fondness for watersports, including urine enemas. And while Nubia is a fan of enemas, it comes more from the sensation of it, especially large or long-term enemas, than the waste result of them.

When it comes to her submissives and especially her harem, Nubia vastly prefers anonymity and identical looks, resulting in the look of the disciples of her harem, who have seen given anonymous designations and a look and feel identical to Nubia herself, though this is partially due to the wants and needs of her.

With her disciples, she likes to humiliate them slightly every now and again.