Crimson Strat House

Crimson Strat House is an Edwardian Era manor house in the Lake District of the United Kingdom, located near Keswik and owned by Marcus Cornelius Guffin LLC and run by the Fox Sisters.

A large manor house with space for up to 120 servants, additional to the main family of the house, Crimson Strat House was perfect to set up a training ground for Fetish Vixen Servants, with a bit of space to grow.

Originally named Wellsbrough House, Crimson Strat House got its name during the extensive renovations and massive use of red materials for the internal decorations. This includes red plaster and stucco, red woods in many forms, as well as large amounts of red leather and latex. Additionally, polished steel and glass are used in many places.

The entire interior gives the entire building a vibe that can be described as ‘sex dungeon’ by outsiders. Especially due to the integration of bondage fixtures in almost every room.

While there is usually no ‘Master of the House’ during normal operation, during two three month periods, from March to May and September to November, the entire house if rented out by Marcus Cornelius Guffin LLC to carefully vetted tremporary master/mistresses to give the trainees actual experience with dealing with a Master/Mistress of the House.