Open Source Dolls

Open Source Dolls are a design for a hard shell of 3D printed plastic, worn over a latex body suit, with integrated oral, anal and vaginal sheathes, or a penis and balls shell, shaped like a mechanical doll.

The original idea has been developed by α, β and γ of Germany, and placed into the public domain under the CERN Open Hardware license, ensuring that any hard shell developed based on the three original designs would be placed back into the public domain.

Over time, people have chosen to create their own versions of the Open Source Doll hardshell and suit, from variants of the original female and trans female designs, over fully male designs, to anthropomorphised animal designs. Some of these people wear these hard shells for short durations, while others wear them for long duration or even permanently, like α, β and γ. The latter two are possible without quantumagic, thanks to the integration of a gastric tube, a catheter and an enema tube, However, there are some designs meant to be used with quantumagic, as they remove those items, as well as the usual hidden airways.

From it origination from α, β and γ, the Open Source Dolls has become something of an international movement or people trying their best to emulate the original Open Source Dolls. As such, an unofficial rule set has emerged that all Open Source Dolls try to follow.

  • Open Source Dolls are to use it/its as their pronouns when wearing their hard shells.
  • Open Source Dolls are to live as public a life as they are able to.
  • Open Source Dolls are to follow the safe, sane and consensual rule set.
  • The consent of an Open Source Doll can be assumed most of the time.
  • Open Source Dolls are to be open to any sexual and fetish uses.

Base Open Source Doll

The suit is a sleek and futuristic creation, fully encased in glossy black plastic that accentuates exaggerated feminine curves. The material has a mirror-like finish, with seams visible only where intended, showcasing a design that embodies mechanical precision. Beneath the glossy exterior lies a second skin of matte black latex, visible only at the ball joints, contributing to the suit’s inhuman and robotic appearance.

The head is completely covered by a smooth helmet in a kigurumi style, featuring black lenses for eyes and a magnetically held panel covering the mouth. The helmet is devoid of any ear bumps or hair, adding to its featureless and mechanical look. The suit’s ability to speak comes from a vocoder connected to throat microphones, giving it a robotic voice, while its neck and throat are seamlessly integrated with the helmet and shoulders, restricting any head movement. Various attachment points with metal rings are strategically placed on the head, throat, and shoulders.

The arms and legs are articulated through fake ball joints, giving the appearance of mechanical articulation. The torso is rigid with limited articulation, further enhancing the robotic doll-like appearance. The suit’s exaggerated curves with F cup breasts, a thin waist and wide hips, are prominently displayed, with each section of the body individually encased in hard plastic. The crotch and rear feature removable panels that reveal hidden sheaths designed for sexual use, emphasising the suit’s purpose as an object of control or submission.

The legs end in heelless ballet shoes that force the wearer to walk on tiptoes, adding to the suit’s unnatural posture. Designed for long-term wear, the suit includes hidden holes for a gastric tube, catheter, and enema tube, allowing for continuous use without needing to remove it. Overall, the suit represents mechanical perfection, precision, and the embodiment of a carefully constructed sex doll, meant to be either dominated or to dominate.


There exist multitude of variants for the base Open Source Doll look, all of which are available for download and modification from several repositories.

Base Variants

Base variants are variants of the Base Doll that retain all features of the base doll.

AlphaBase Open Source Doll
BetaFeatureless pony head, ballet hoof feet
GammaFeatureless puppy head, ballet paw feet
DeltaFeatureless cow head, ballet cloven hoof feet
EpsilonFeatureless kitty head, ballet paw feet
ZetaFeatureless goat head, ballet cloven hoof feet
EtaFeatureless drone head
ThetaFeatureless kobold head, ballet reptile feet
IotaFeatureless snake head w/ flexible rubber cobra hood
KappaFeatureless drone head with horns (Succubus)
LambdaFeatureless Bathomet goat head, cloven hoove ballet feet
MuFeatureless bunny head, ballet paw feet
NuFeatureless fox head, ballet paw feet
XiFeatureless deer head, ballet hoof feet
OmicronFeatureless renamon head, ballet paw feet

Gender Variants

There are twelve possible gender variants with different looks.

Gender VariantDescription
Ffemale base Variant
TF1Transfem, replaces vaginal sheath with rubber penis and hardshell balls
TF2Transfem, replaces vaginal sheath with rubber penis
FB1Femboy variant, no chest, female build, replaces vaginal sheath with rubber penis and hardshell balls
FB2Femboy variant, no chest, female build, replaces vaginal sheath with rubber penis
H1Herm variant, added rubber penis and hardshell balls
H2Herm variant, added rubber penis
TMTransmale variant, no chest, vaginal sheath
M1Male variant, no chest, added penis and hardshell balls
M2Male variant, no chest, added penis
N1Neuter variant, no vaginal sheath
N2Neuter variant, no chest, no vaginal sheath

Other Variants

There are several additional variants that can be combined into a n Open Source Doll.

Other VariantsDescription
aBase Variant
b1Sensory Deprivation, no sight
b2Sensory Deprivation, no sight, no hearing
c1Chastity, vaginal/penis only
c2Chastity, vaginal/penis and anal
c3Chastity, vaginal/penis, anal and oral
dIntegrated vibrators
eIntegrated e-stim
f1Integrated bondage, hard shell armbinder
f2Integrated bondage, hard shell reverse prayer armbinder
g1Quantumagic, feeding and waste
g2Quantumagic, feeding, waste and breathing
g3Quantumagic, heightened libido
hPaw hands
i1Breasts, small (C EU, C US)
i2Breasts, medium (F EU, DDD US)
i3Breasts, large (J EU, I US)
jNipple sheathes (for nipple penetration, usually only on i3 variant)
kSheath for cleavage fucking (with covers)
l1Static tail, dependent in variant head/species
l2Passively flexible tail, dependent in variant head/species
l3Actively flexible tail, dependent in variant head/species
l4Prehensile flexible tail, dependent in variant head/species
mPrehensile flexible tentacles
n1Oral sheath with tongue
n2Oral cavity with rubber lips and tongue


Examples for Open Source Doll hard shells:

  • α: Alpha Fai2
  • β: Beta TF1ai2
  • γ: Gamma Fai2