
Arrival In Shangrila is a strange thing.

Many a new arrival will state that they have walked, driven or otherwise transported through an empty, liminal space to The City.

Maybe it was an underpass at night.

Maybe an empty mall.

The empty floors of a hotel or an airport.

The drive down a long stretch of road through woods, grass or farmland.

Stepping out of a late night train onto an empty station.

Lately, it was walking out of office buildings at the edge of Shangrila, after passing through what the newly arrived called The Backrooms. And no one is sure if those old dilapidated office buildings have always been there…

But it does not matter in the slightest. They all arrive, and the City welcomes them into itself. Those who secretly craved the wonders and delights of The City, of leaving their old dreary, oppressed lives behind them.