
Warning! May Contain Eldritch Horror, Analogue Horror, Body Horror


The City of Rubber.

The City of Fetish and Kink.

The City that takes you in and changes you.

The City of many shapes, both natural and unnatural. Normal and Non-Euclician.

No one knows where Shangrila is, nor for how long it has been there.

No one knows how they got to Shangrila, only that they were suddenly there, and, without hesitation would immerse themselves in the City and it’s many Fetishes and Kinks, chief amongst all, Rubber and Latex.

No one knows how to leave Shangrila, for it is surrounded by impassable terrain and this that try to leave, either reappear, as it they are new arrivals, or disappear completely.

Everyone, sooner or later, joins up with one of the groups, Families, Cults and Clans of Shangrila. Be it the Clans, who believe they control Shangrila, playing their political games. The Cults, that believe that they know the truth about Shangrila. The Families, who find themselves drawn together by unknown means, but always through Shangrila. And all the other groups that have one or another goal.

Some may end up Slaves, others Masters.

Some may be given boons and powers by Shangrila and it’s environs, other may not.

The City demands a sacrifice from all, be it their devotion, be it a limb, be it their original body, be it their mind or even their humanity. Shangrila will have it one way or the other.


The City that never sleeps, yet many know should not be allowed to wake.


