α, β & γ – The original Open Source Dolls

α, β and γ are a polycule of three individuals living in Westhofen, who are wearing special suits of black plastic and latex 24/7/365. They are members of the Fetischverein Niederlimburg and have been active almost daily since 2013.

They pretend to be robotic beings and present themselves to the world as public use sex dolls, both through their involvement in the Fetischverein, as well as in their daily lives, which is life streamed 24/7 to an adult streaming platform. This is facilitated through both cameras from multiple viewpoints in the entirety of their apartment, as well as POV cameras build into their suits.

They live from the subscriptions and donations of the adult streaming platform and have stated that they do not perform for anyone and that everything seen is their unadulterated life. None of them wants a private life, preferring to live an openly public live, always observed by whoever wants to watch them. The only thing that they do keep private, however, is their streaming and other computers.

Their previous lives are unknown, but they have put the design of the hard plastic shell covering their bodies into the public domain, allowing everyone else to make their own versions of those shells, as well as modify them to their liking. This started an international trend of people creating their own hard shells based on the ones designed by α, β and γ, the original Open Source Dolls.


Standing 175 cm tall, α is a vision of sleek, glossy, futuristic design, its entire form encased in an apparently seamless suit of highly polished black plastic. The material, polished to an almost mirror-like finish, shows off its exaggerated feminine curves – accentuating its large chest, narrow waist and wide hips. This outer shell is moulded almost perfectly, a testament to precision, that only leaves seams in those places they are intended to be seen.

Beneath this ‘armour’ of glossy plastic lies a second skin, a suit of matte black latex that can only be seen in those place where the ball and other joints of the plastic suit are unable to cover up its α’s body. It is clear that its entire body is covered, leaving not a single bit of skin to show, making its seem inhuman an a result of perfect mechanical design.

Its head is entirely encased by a smooth helmet of the black plastic, with the kigurumi style face one of the only features visible, as the helmet lacks even any bumps for its ears, or any hair. The masks eyes are black lenses only α can look through from the inside, and from the outside appear to be made of the same material as the rest of the hood. The masks sculpted, full lips are closed around what appears to be a ball of the black shiny plastic, a panel held in place by strong magnets, that covers up a rubber plastic oral sheath that reached deep down α’s throat.

On top of its head is an attachment point with a ring of black, shiny metal, with a pair of holes next to it, hidden away as well as can be, representing the masks breathing holes, as there are no holes in the masks nose. α can still talk, with the help of a pair of throat microphones that are fed into a vocoder, giving its a robotic voice.

Its neck and throat are connected directly, and without any joints to its helmet and its shoulders, making it impossible for its to move hear head a single millimeter. Directly over its throat, and on its shoulders, there are more connection points like those on top of its head, each holding another of those black metal rings.

Its joints of its arms are all articulated through fake ball joints, down to the digits of its fingers. Here and there, the latex under suit is visible, but overall it gives the impression of mechanical articulation. above its elbows and on the backs of its hands are more of the attachment points with rings. Its hands are slender and elegant and encased in the same black plastic, with the tips of its fingers ending in slightly pointed fingernails.

Its torso is only articulated in two places, its waist and its hips, strengthening its that robotic doll like articulation and appearance. Its curves are exaggerated, with its F cup breasts individually encased in the hard plastic, each topped by an attachment point with ring. Its waist then draws down to 60 cm, before flaring out to its 105 cm waist.

Its crotch and ass are perfectly moulded into a female form, with a camel toe between its legs. This camel toe is, like the ball between the masks lips, a removable panel, held in place by strong magnets, that covers up α vaginal sheath. A second panel between its hard plastic cheeks, covers up an anal sheath. Both are made ot thick rubber.

Its legs are, like articulated by fake ball joints, much like its arms. However, only its hips and knees are articulated, with the lower legs directly leading into a pair of heelless ballet shoes that raise the heels of its feet by 21 cm, forcing its to walk on the tips of its toes, on soles of rubber that are not larger then a 2€ coin. Attachment points with rings are at its hips, above its knees and on its ankles.

This suit is certainly made for long term wear and there are hidden holes that lead to a gastric tube for food and water, as well as to a catheter and an enema tube, for its to get rid of any waste.

All in all, α looks like the embodiment of mechanical perfection and precision. A carefully constructed sex doll meant to be played with an used. Or to be dominated by. An object, designed to demands to control or to be controlled.


In all the ways that are important, β is like α. It is encased in a suit of the same design and construction that that of α, but there are clearly differences.

For one β stands ten centimeters taller then α, and its measurements have been sized up accordingly. It still has F cup breasts, but its waist is 65 cm, while its hips flare out to 110 cm.

Another difference is the lack of the camel toe between its legs and the vaginal sheath hidden beneath. Instead, β openly presents a permanently erect 27 cm penis, encased in a thick horse shaped penis shell, complete with a set of balls, encased in the same black plastic as the rest of its body.

To continue the horse theme, its face is not that of a kigurumi, but instead that of a short muzzled pony, complete with a set of pony ears. However, the face if completely devoid of any feature, with the lenses so smoothly integrated into the heads shape that they are invisible. Only a slight call in the mouth area covers up the oral sheath.

Finally, its feet are encased in a pair of heelless ballet pony shoes, which have a larger, horse shoe shaped rubber sole the size of a bottle, which does give its more stability, as the shoes raise its heels by 25 cm and force its to talk on the tips of its toes.

β does not have a tail, but that does usually not matter to most.

Where α is a show of almost mechanical robot sex doll, there is something more of an animalistic elegance around β. It still is a perfect sex doll like α, equally at home in a submissive or dominant position as is needed.


γ is a little bit smaller then α, standing just 170 cm tall, with its still exaggerated measurements sized accordingly. It too has F-cup sized breasts, with its waist reducing down to 55 cm, while its hips flare to 100 cm.

γ is fully female like α, but much like β, it follows an animalistic theme in the design of its sleek black, almost robotic sex doll shape. Only instead of a horse, γ follows a design of a dog.

As such, its face resembles that of a dogs face, though left completely featureless like the face of β, and with the lenses not even visible in the design of the mask. A pair of dog ears additionally sit on top of its head.

Also, much like β, its feet are not merely stuck in a pair of ballet shoes, but those shoes are more formed like dog paws, with the heels of its feet raised 20 cm into the air, forcing its to walk on the tips of its toes.

Overall, it has a more playful look to its design, while remaining the sex doll it was always meant to be.


Height175 cm185 cm170 cm
Cup sizeFFF
Bust100 cm105 cm95 cm
Uderbust80 cm85 cm75 cm
Waist60 cm65 cm55 cm
Hips105 cm110 cm100 cm



All three are equally at home being either submissive or dominant in a given situation, though each leans into a preference.

They are willing to be part in any form of sexual and fetish activity which is save, sane and consensual, though it can be taken as a given that they will be consenting to almost everything if asked.

If needed, or if they wish to, they are able to remain motionless in a given position for hours on end, allowing others to mistake them for mannequins. This is even the case if they are engaging in sexual services at the time.


α can be seen as the head and driving force of the group, having been the first to have the idea of the ‘doll shell’, which it later designed together with the others.

α presents itself as the most ‘robotic’ of the group, deliberately styling both its speech patterns and its movements to this end. It has an aloof and distant personality, even towards its polycule lovers, as if it is always partially an observer even in its own actions. Even being the driving force of the group, it seems to be strangely passive, preferring to stand by, and be engaged by others, rather then doing the engaging, like β and γ.

It is equally at home in both dominant and submissive roles.


β is something of the public face of the group, who had the idea to make the design of their shells fully open source and to present themselves to the public 24/7 through the adult streaming service.

β presents itself as the ‘elegant’ of the group, styling itself in both movements and speech patterns after the equines it shaped itself to ‘resemble’. β has a very strong personality and likes to push its thoughts and idea through as much as it can.

In its preferences, β leans towards being a dominant in a given situation.


γ can be called the animating spirit of the group, who influenced them to actually follow through with becoming α, β and γ. It also ensured the group to be open to everything others might want to do with them, either alone or multiple of them.

γ presents itself as the ‘playful’ of the group, styling itself in both speech patterns and movements after an exited puppy. On top of that, it is the most physically affectionate of the group, leaning hard into being a puppy. It likes being touched and to touch others, from just touching, to nuzzling, while it will always react positively to being pet or scritched, though it is unclear if it actually feels that kind of touch.

In its preferences, γ leans towards being a submissive in a given situation.



All three obviously share a very strong fetish for living sex dolls and sex toys, as they have done their best to become ones themselves. They also share a fetish to turn others into sex dolls like them, though they are mostly satisfying that fetish through their open sourcing the design of their suits.

Together with this sex doll fetish, they share a strong fetish for objectification and love being treated as little more then sex objects. In some cases, they are open to be engaged by fans having sex with them in any public setting.

They share a fetish for latex and bondage in all of its forms. They also share a strong fetish for anything that leaves them partially or fully covered in cum, dispassionately walking around showing off the signs of its latest use.


α has a fetish for water sports, and in addition to being covered in cum, it likes to be covered in urine.

α also likes to be used for sloppy seconds, thirds and even forth, before closing its cum filled sheath with its panel, carrying the cum around for hours, sometimes even days.


β has a very strong fetish for faceless rubber dolls, who do not necessarily have to be dolls like itself or the others. It also likes to fuck those rubber dolls hard.

β is a size queen and likes to take on large shafts and dildos, taking pleasure in having her sheathes filled to the max.

β also enjoys to have the tables turned on it, where it ends up being pushed into a submissive position after having been in a dominant one.


γ likes to have all its sheathes filled at the same time by large objects and used vigorously.

γ has the opposite fetish from β, as it likes to do the turning of tables, where it ends up in a dominant position after previously being in a submissive one.